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Ibnul Atsir al-Jazari - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas Lompat ke isi

Ibnul Atsir al-Jazari

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Izzudd?n Abul Hasan Ibnul Ats?r
Gelar Ibnul Atsir
Informasi pribadi
Lahir 1160 M, Jazirat Ibn Umar, sekarang Cizre , Turki
Meninggal 630 H (1232/1233 M ), Mosul , Irak [1]
Agama Islam
Etnis Arab atau Kurdi
Zaman Zaman Kejayaan Islam
Mazhab Sunni
Minat utama Sejarah
Karya terkenal The Complete History dan The Lions of the Forest and the knowledge about the Companions
Pemimpin Muslim

Abul Hasan Ali bin Muhammad bin Muhammad as-Syaibani , yang lebih dikenal sebagai Ali 'Izzud d?n Ibnul Atsir al-Jazari ( bahasa Arab : ??? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ) (1233?1160) adalah seorang sejarawan dan biografi Arab [2] atau Kurdi [3] yang menulis dalam bahasa Arab dan berasal dari keluarga Ibnu Athir . Menurut Edisi tahun 1911 dari Encyclopædia Britannica , ia lahir di Jazirat Ibn Umar , Kekhalifahan Abbasiyah . Kota tersebut sekarang terletak di Turki . [4]

Catatan [ sunting | sunting sumber ]

  1. ^ Fourth to Seventh century
  2. ^ a. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2014. Ibn al-Ath?r
    b. Historiography of the Ayyubid and Mamluk epochs , Donald P. Little, The Cambridge History of Egypt , Vol.1, ed. M. W. Daly, Carl F. Petry, (Cambridge University Press, 1998), 415.
    c. Ibn al-Athir , The A to Z of Islam , ed. Ludwig W. Adamec, (Scarecrow Press, 2009), 135.
    d. Peter Partner, God of Battles: Holy wars of Christianity and Islam , (Princeton University Press, 1997), 96.
    e. Venice and the Turks , Jean-Claude Hocquet, Venice and the Islamic world: 828?1797 , edited by Stefano Carboni, (Editions Gallimard, 2006), 35 n17.
    f. Marc Ferro, Colonization: A Global History , (Routledge, 1997), 6.  ? via  Questia (perlu berlangganan)
    g. Martin Sicker, The Islamic World in Ascendancy: From the Arab Conquests to the Siege of Vienna , (Praeger Publishers, 2000), 69. ? via  Questia (perlu berlangganan)
  3. ^ 1. Philip G. Kreyenbroek , Oral Literature of Iranian Languages al-Athir..a historian and biographer of Kurdish origin
    2. Yasir Suleiman, "Language and identity in the Middle East and North Africa", Curzon Press, 1996, ISBN 0700704108 , p. 154. Ibn al-Athir, (d.1233), a Kurdish historian and biographer...
  4. ^   Thatcher, Griffithes Wheeler (1911). " Ibn Ath?r ". Dalam Chisholm, Hugh. Encyclopædia Britannica . 14 (edisi ke-11). Cambridge University Press. hlm. 219.  

Pranala luar [ sunting | sunting sumber ]

Kurds and Kurdistan], Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Templat:Sejarawan Arab