Nguy?n Th? đ?nh (mother of Duy Tan)

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Nguy?n Th? đ?nh (阮氏定, 1883 [1] – 1972) was a wife of the Vietnamese emperor Thanh Thai , and the queen mother of the emperor's fifth son, the boy emperor Duy Tan (reigned 1907-1916). [2] [3] Following the abdication, forced by the French, of Thanh Thai, the new boy emperor's mother resided at court as queen mother, while Thanh Thai was relegated to a duke, and lived with his large retinue of wives and retainers away from court. This did not prevent the former emperor for pressuring his wife, the queen mother, for funds. [4] She, with her husband and son, are buried in the tomb of D?c đ?c . [5]

References [ edit ]

  1. ^ S? ph?n c?a nh?ng ng??i trong gia đinh vua Thanh Thai
  2. ^ đ?c Xuan Nguy?n Chuy?n ba Vua D?c D?c, Thanh Thai, Duy Tan Page 81 " Vi?c t? ch?i ?y đa đ?n tai ba ba M?u h?u Nguy?n Th? đ?nh (m? đich c?a Vua Duy Tan). M?u h?u r?t lo bu?n, ba g?i Duy Tan đ?n Va n?n ni h?t l?i. V?n la m?t con ng??i hi?u th?o, Duy Tan _khong th? t? ch?i đ??c nen đa nh?n l?i."
  3. ^ Xa h?i Vi?t Nam th?i Phap thu?c - Page 359 Le Nguy?n - 2005 "Than nhan thap tung trong chuy?n đi nay co cac ba phi Nguy?n Th? đ?nh (m? c?u hoang Duy Tan), "
  4. ^ The Last Emperors of Vietnam: From Tu Duc to Bao Dai - Page 26 Oscar Chapuis - 2000 "In private, he blackmailed Duy Tan's mother, his wife, for money. Having failed to pay back a 40,000 piastre debt, he was dragged before the French justice courts. To save face, the Hue mandarins had to pick up the tab. Finally, Duy Tan's "
  5. ^ Di s?n Han Nom Hue? - Page 107 Trung tam b?o t?n di tich c? đo Hu?, đ?i h?c quo?c gia Ha N?i. Tr??ng đ?i h?c khoa h?c xa h?i va nhan v?n - 2003 -"Con 10 bai th? x??ng va 10 bai th? h?a mang đ?u đ? “Khue ph? than” thi đa ro rang la do nha giao Phan Qu?c Quang va nha th? L? Quang Nh?n ? V?nh Long thac l?i Ba phi Nguy?n Th? đ?nh (m? vua Duy Tan) va l?i vua Thanh Thai ma ...