Category : Roy Emerson

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???????: ???? ??????? (? ?????????? :Roy Emerson), ?? ?????? 3 ?????? 1936 , ???? ??? ???? ??????? . ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? (??????? ????) . ??? ??? ????? ???????? 28 ????? ????. 12 ?? ?????? ? 16 ?? ??????. (→ ??? ??????? )
Български: Рой Стенли Емерсън (на английски : Roy Stanley Emerson ) е знаменит австралийски тенис ист. (→ Рой Емерсън )
Catala: Roy Stanley Emerson (nascut el 3 de novembre de 1936 es un ex-campio de tennis d' Australia , que fou el maxim exponent del tennis amateur en els anys 60 del segle XX. Durant la seva carrera, va aconseguir 12 titols del Gran Slam en individuals i 16 en dobles, obtenint un record historic de 28 Grand Slam aconseguits, que es mante fins a l'actualitat. Les seves 12 victories en individuals foren el record fins el 2000 , quan fou superat per Pete Sampras . Es l'unic jugador de la historia que va conquerir els 4 Grand Slam tant en individuals com en dobles. ES el tercer home de la historia que ha guanyat mes trofeus Grand Slam. (→ Roy Emerson )
?e?tina: Roy Emerson (* listopadu 1936 Blackbutt ) je byvaly australsky tenista . V karie?e ziskal celkem 28 titul? na turnajich Grand Slam ve dvouh?e a ?ty?h?e (na po?atku otev?ene ery vyhral dva grandslamove turnaje ve ?ty?h?e spole?n? se svym slavn?j?im krajanem Rodem Laverem ). Osmkrat se mu povedlo ziskat Davis?v pohar s tymem Australie . (→ Roy Emerson )
Dansk: Roy Stanley Emerson (født 3. november 1936 i Queensland , Australien ) er en australsk tennisspiller , der igennem sin karriere i 1960'erne vandt 12 Grand Slam -singletitler. (→ Roy Emerson )
Deutsch: Roy Stanley Emerson (* 3. November 1936 in Blackbutt , Queensland ) ist ein ehemaliger australischer Tennisspieler . (→ Roy Emerson )
English: Roy Stanley Emerson (born 3 November 1936) is an Australian former World No. 1 tennis player who won 12 Grand Slam tournament singles titles and 16 Grand Slam tournament men's doubles titles. He is the only male player to have completed a Career Grand Slam (winning titles at all four Grand Slam events) in both singles and doubles. His 28 Major titles are an all-time record for a male player. Most of his titles were won in the final years of the period where the Major tournaments were open only to amateur players, just before the start of the open era when professionals were admitted into tennis's most prestigious events. Roy Emerson is the first male player to win each Major title at least twice in his career. In the history of tennis, only Margaret Court achieved this feat before him. He is one of only seven men to win all four Majors in his career (the others are Fred Perry , Don Budge , Rod Laver , Andre Agassi , Roger Federer , and Rafael Nadal ). He was the first male player to win 12 Majors (this was surpassed by Pete Sampras (14) and Roger Federer (17)). Tennis critics and former and current tennis players consider Emerson to be one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Emerson is only one of five tennis players all-time to win a multiple slam set in two disciplines, matching Margaret Court , Martina Navratilova , Frank Sedgman and Serena Williams . (→ Roy Emerson )
Espanol: Roy Stanley Emerson (n. 3 de noviembre de 1936 ) es un ex-campeon de tenis de Australia , que fue el mayor exponente del tenis amateur durante los anos 60 . En su carrera conquisto 12 titulos de Grand Slam en individuales y 16 en dobles, totalizando un record historico de 28 Grand Slam conseguidos, que se mantiene hasta la actualidad. Sus 12 conquistas en individuales fueron record hasta el ano 2000 cuando fue superado por el norteamericano Pete Sampras y en 2009 cuando fue superado por el suizo Roger Federer . Es el unico jugador de la historia en conquistar los 4 Grand Slam tanto en individuales como en dobles. Es el tercer hombre que mas Grand Slam ha ganado junto a Rafael Nadal . (→ Roy Emerson )
Suomi: Roy Stanley Emerson (s. 3. marraskuuta 1936 ) on entinen australialainen tennispelaaja , joka voitti uransa aikana 12 kaksinpelimestaruutta ja 16 nelinpelimestaruutta Grand Slam -turnauksissa. Hanet valittiin International Tennis Hall of Fameen vuonna 1982 . (→ Roy Emerson )
Francais : Roy Stanley Emerson est un joueur de tennis australien ne le 3 novembre 1936 a Blackbutt ( Australie ). Il a marque fortement le tennis dans les annees 1960. Moins connu que ses illustres compatriotes qu'etaient Rod Laver , Ken Rosewall , Lew Hoad , voire John Newcombe , il n'en demeure pas moins qu'il fut un des meilleurs joueurs du monde de 1959 a 1973 . (→ Roy Emerson )
??????: ??? ????? (????: 3 ????? , 1936 ) ????? ?? ??????????? ?? ???????? ??????? ???? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ????? (→ ??? ????? )
Magyar: Roy Stanley Emerson ( 1936 . november 3 , Queensland ), visszavonult ausztral teniszez?, aki 12 egyeni es 16 paros Grand Slam-cimet szerzett. ? az egyetlen ferfi teniszez?, aki mind egyeniben, mind parosban meg tudta nyerni mind a negy Grand Slam-tornat karrierje soran. Nala csak Pete Sampras (14) es Roger Federer (16) tudott tobb egyeni Grand Slam-cimet szerezni. (→ Roy Emerson )
Italiano: In carriera e stato capace di vincere 12 titoli del Grande Slam nel singolare e 16 nel doppio. E l'unico tennista che ha vinto tutti e quattro i tornei del Grande Slam sia nel Singolare che nel Doppio. I suoi 28 titoli complessivi rappresentano un record in campo maschile. Molti di questi trofei furono vinti quando gli Slam erano aperti solo a giocatori amatoriali, giusto prima dell'avvento dell' Era Open , che permise anche ai professionisti la partecipazione a questo tipo di tornei. (→ Roy Emerson )
日本語: ロイ?エマ?ソン Roy Emerson , 1936年 11月3日 - )は、 オ?ストラリア ? クイ?ンズランド州 出身の男子 テニス 選手。主に 1960年代 に活躍し、 4大大? 男子シングルス通算12勝?男子ダブルス16勝を?げ、?計「28」のグランドスラム?タイトルを獲得した名選手である。フルネ?ムは Roy Stanley Emerson (ロイ?スタンレ??エマ?ソン)という。“Emmo”(エンモ)という愛?で呼ばれた。エマ?ソンは豪放??な人柄で、私生活では有名な大酒?みだったという。 (→ ロイ?エマ?ソン )
韓國語: 로이 스탠리 에머슨 (Roy Stanley Emerson, 1936年 11月 3日~)은 오스트레일리아 의 隱退한 男子 테니스 選手이다. 그는 오픈 時代 以前에 그랜드 슬램 斷食 에서 12回, 複式 에서 16回 優勝했다. 그는 4個 그랜드 슬램 大會의 單·複式에서 모두 優勝한 唯一한 男子 選手이다. 또한 그랜드 슬램 總 28回 優勝은 男子 選手로서 最多 優勝 記錄이기도 하다. 但, 그의 그랜드 슬램 優勝 記錄들은 프로 選手의 그랜드 슬램 大會 參加가 許容되었던 오픈 時代 以前에 아마추어 選手 身分으로 이룬 것이라는 點에서 오늘날의 그랜드 슬램 優勝과 直接 比較 對象이 되지는 않는다. (→ 로이 에머슨 )
Nederlands: Roy Stanley Emerson ( Blackbutt , Queensland , 3 november 1936 ) is een voormalig Australisch tennisser . Tijdens zijn carriere won hij 12 Grand Slams in het enkelspel en nog eens 16 bij de mannen-dubbel. Zijn record werd in 2000 door Pete Sampras verbroken. Hij is de enige man in de geschiedenis die in alle Grand Slam's zowel de titels in het enkelspel en herendubbelspel heeft gewonnen. (→ Roy Emerson )
Norsk bokmal: Roy Stanley Emerson (født 3. november 1936 i Queensland ) er tidligere australsk tennisspiller . (→ Roy Emerson )
Polski: Roy Stanley Emerson (ur. 3 listopada 1936 w Blackbutt, Queensland ) ? tenisista australijski , zwyci?zca 28 turniejow wielkoszlemowych w grze pojedynczej i podwojnej, 8-krotny zdobywca Pucharu Davisa . (→ Roy Emerson )
Русский: Рой Э?мерсон ? австралийский теннис ист, ведущий теннисист-любитель мира накануне Открытой эры . (→ Эмерсон, Рой )
Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Roy Stanley Emerson (3. novembar 1936 -) je biv?i australijski teniser , poznat po tome ?to je osvojio 12 Grand Slam pojedin?anih i 16 Grand Slam titula u parovima. Te titule predstavljaju rekord, iako su ve?ina njih osvojene prije po?etka tzv. Open ere, odnosno u vrijeme kada su Grand slam turniri bili otvoreni jedino amaterima. Usprkos toga, njegov rekord je ostao neoboren sve do 2000. kada je vi?e Grand slam turnira osvojio Pete Sampras . Između 1959. i 1967. je bio ?lan australijskih reprezentacija koje su osam puta osvojile Davis Cup . Nakon zavr?etka profesionalne karijere se posvetio treniranju, a među njegovim u?enicima je bio i Pat Cash . (→ Roy Emerson )
Sloven?ina: Roy Emerson (* 3. november 1936 ) je byvaly vynikajuci australsky tenista. Je pova?ovany za jedneho z najlep?ich tenistov v?etkych dob. Po?as svojej kariery vyhral 12 grandslamovych titulov v dvojhre a 16 titulov vo ?tvorhre. Emerson bol uvedeny do Medzinarodnej tenisovej siene slavy v roku 1982. (→ Roy Emerson )
Sloven??ina: Roy Stanley Emerson , avstralski tenisa? , * 3. november 1936 , Blackbutt , Queensland , Avstralija . (→ Roy Emerson )
Српски / srpski: Ро? Стенли Емерсон (; 3. новембар 1936 ; Блекбут , Квинсленд ) ?е бивши аустрали?ски тенисер. У кари?ери ?е осво?ио 12 гренд слем титула у по?единачно? конкуренци?и (по томе ?е на тре?ем место вечите листе, иза Ро?ера Федерера и Пита Сампраса ) и 16 у конкуренци?и мушких парова. Eмерсон ?е четврти тенисер у истори?и ко?и ?е успео да осво?и сва четири гренд слем турнира у току кари?ере. Сматра се ?едним од на?бо?их тенисера свих времена. (→ Ро? Емерсон )
??????: 1936 , ?????? 3 ? ????????? ???? ??????? (Roy Stanley Emerson) ??????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????????????. ???? 12 ????????????? ????????? ?????????, 16 ????????????? ??????? ????????? ???????????????????. ??????? ???????? ????????? ????, ??????? ???? ???? ???????????? ?????????????? ????????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??????????. ?????????????? 28 ?????????????? ????????? ???????? ???????????????. (→ ???? ??????? )
<nowiki>Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; ??? ??????; Рой Емерсън; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; ロイ?エマ?ソン; Roy Emerson; ??? ??????; 羅伊·愛默生; ??? ?????; ???? ???????; 로이 에머슨; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Ро? Емерсон; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Рой Эмерсон; Roy Emerson; ??? ????????; Rojs Emersons; Roy Emerson; Ро? Емерсон; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; 羅伊·愛默生; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Roy Emerson; Рой Емерсон; Roy Emerson; ?伊·?默生; Roy Emerson; ??? ???????; ?伊·?默生; Roy Emerson; tenista profesional australiano; ??????????? ????? ?????????; ausztral teniszez?; Australian tennis player; Austraalia tennisist; tenislari australiarra; australsky tenista; tenista australianu; tennista professional australia; ???? ??? ???? ???????; australischer Tennisspieler; tenista australiano; Australian tennis player; ?????? ???? ? ??????? ??????????; 澳大利?男子?球???; juc?tor de tenis australian; Avustralyalı tenisci (d. 1936); imreoir leadoige Astralach; Australian tennis player; lojtar tenisi australian; Australsky tenista; tenisista australijski; австрал?йський тен?сист; Australisch tennisser; a?stralia tenisisto; ?????? ???????; tennista australiano; australialainen tennispelaaja; tenista profesional australiano; tenisor australian; австралиски тенисер; joueur de tennis australien; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Эмерсон, Рой; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; ?伊·?默生; ?伊·埃默森; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; Roy Stanley Emerson; ??? ???????; Roy Stanley Emerson; Emerson</nowiki>
Roy Emerson 
juc?tor de tenis australian
Incarc? multimedia
Numele in limba nativ?
  • Roy Emerson
Data na?terii 3 noiembrie 1936
Inceputul perioadei de activitate
  • 1953
Sfar?itul perioadei de activitate
  • 1983
Cet??enie sportiv?
Prob? sportiv? de specialitate
Membru al echipei sportive
  • Antony Emerson
C?s?torit(?) cu
  • Joy Emerson
Authority file
Wikidata  Q312545
identificator VIAF: 180788380
identificator GND: 1014063566
identificator IMDb: nm4629429
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