Dinosaure amb plomes

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Els dinosaures amb plomes o dinosaures plumifers [1] es consideren fossils de transicio entre els dinosaures classics i aus . [2] [3] Era ja conegut que les aus antigues com Archaeopteryx tenien moltes caracteristiques de reptil , com a dents , i arpes en els seus dits, i molts anys abans havia estat teoritzat que els ocells descendien de dinosaures teropodes . A la fi dels anys 1990 , els descobriments de dinosaures amb plomes a la Xina van proporcionar la prova concloent de la connexio, encara que els detalls genealogics encara estiguin sent dilucidats. S'ha demostrat de moltes formes la relacio de descendencia entre aus i dinosaures, ja que la seva similitud morfologica quant al crani , el maluc , les potes i les extremitats superiors es molt notable. Les aus son clarament monofiletiques i els seus primers representants es troben en el Jurassic ( Protoavis , un fossil controvertit del finals del Triasic , es considerat no aviari per la majoria dels paleontolegs).

Generes de dinosaures amb plomes [ modifica ]

Des de 1996 fins ara s'han descrit mes de 30 generes de dinosaures no aviaris amb ploma o protoploma preservades en llurs fossils:

  1. Avimimus * (inferit el 1987) [4] [5]
  2. Sinosauropteryx (1996) [6]
  3. Protarchaeopteryx (1997) [7]
  4. Caudipteryx (1998) [8]
  5. Rahonavis * (1998) [9]
  6. Shuvuuia * (1999) [10]
  7. Sinornithosaurus (1999) [11]
  8. Beipiaosaurus (1999) [12]
  9. Microraptor (2000) [13]
  10. Nomingia * (2000) [14]
  11. Cryptovolans (2002) [15]
  12. Scansoriopteryx (2002) [16]
  13. Epidendrosaurus (2002) [17]
  14. Psittacosaurus sp.? (2002) [18]
  15. Yixianosaurus (2003) [19]
  16. Dilong (2004) [20]
  17. Pedopenna (2005) [21]
  18. Jinfengopteryx (2005) [22] [23]
  19. Juravenator (2006) [24] [25]
  20. Sinocalliopteryx (2007) [26]
  21. Velociraptor * (inferit el 2007: protuberancias de canones de plumas) [27]
  22. Epidexipteryx (2008) [28]
  23. Similicaudipteryx (inferit el 2008: pigostilo; confirmado en 2010) [29] [30]
  24. Anchiornis (2009) [31]
  25. ¿ Tianyulong ? (2009) [32]
  26. Concavenator corcovatus ? (inferit el 2010) [33]
  27. Yutyrannus (2012) [34]
  28. Sciurumimus (2012) [35]
  29. Ornithomimus (2012) [36]
  30. Ningyuansaurus (2012) [37]
  31. Eosinopteryx (2013) [38]
  32. Citipati (inferit el 2013: pigostilo) [39]
  33. Conchoraptor (infererido en 2013: pigostilo) [39]
  34. Jianchangosaurus (2013) [40]
  35. Aurornis (2013; posible avial) [41]
  36. Changyuraptor (2014) [42]
  37. ¿ Kulindadromeus ? (2014) [43]
  38. Citipati (inferido 2014: pigostilo) [44]
  39. Conchoraptor (inferido 2014: pigostilo) [39]
  40. Deinocheirus (inferit el 2014: pigostilo) [45]
  41. Yi qi (2015) [46]
  42. Zhenyuanlong (2015) [47]
  43. Dakotaraptor (inferit el 2015: protuberancias de canones de plumas) [48]
  44. Apatoraptor (2016)
  • Noteu que les estructures filamentoses trobades en alguns dinosaures ornitisquis ( Psittacosaurus , Tianyulong , Kulindadromeus ) i els pterosaures poden o no ser homologues amb les plomes i protoplomes dels teropodes. [32] [49]

Referencies [ modifica ]

  1. Vila i Alba, 2009 , p. 14.
  2. St. Fleur , Nicholas ≪ That Thing With Feathers Trapped in Amber? It Was a Dinosaur Tail ≫. New York Times , 08-12-2016 [Consulta: 8 desembre 2016].
  3. Romey , Kristin ≪ First Dinosaur Tail Found Preserved in Amber ≫. National Geographic Society , 08-12-2016 [Consulta: 12 desembre 2016].
  4. Kurzanov, S.M. (1987). "Avimimidae and the problem of the origin of birds". Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition , 31 : 5-92. [in Russian]
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  40. Hanyong Pu, Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, Junchang Lu, Li Xu, Yanhua Wu, Huali Chang, Jiming Zhang, Songhai Jia ≪An unusual basal therizinosaur dinosaur with an ornithischian dental arrangement from northeastern China≫. PLOS ONE , 8, 5, 2013, pag. Article number e63423. Bibcode : 2013PLoSO...863423P . DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0063423 .
  41. Pascal Godefroit, Andrea Cau, Hu Dong-Yu, Francois Escuillie, Wu Wenhao, and Gareth Dyke ≪A Jurassic avialan dinosaur from China resolves the early phylogenetic history of birds≫. Nature , 498, 2013, pag. 359-362. DOI : 10.1038/nature12168 .
  42. Gang Han, Luis M. Chiappe,Shu-An Ji, Michael Habib,Alan H. Turner, Anusuya Chinsamy, Xueling Liu, Lizhuo Han ≪ A new raptorial dinosaur with exceptionally long feathering provides insights into dromaeosaurid flight performance ≫. Nature Communications , 5, 2014, pag. Article number 4382. DOI : 10.1038/ncomms5382 .
  43. Pascal Godefroit, Sofia M. Sinitsa, Danielle Dhouailly, Yuri L. Bolotsky, Alexander V. Sizov, Maria E. McNamara, Michael J. Benton, Paul Spagna ≪ A Jurassic ornithischian dinosaur from Siberia with both feathers and scales ≫. Science , 25, 345, 2014, pag. 451-455. DOI : 10.1126/science.1253351 .
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  45. Yuong-Nam Lee, Rinchen Barsbold, Philip J. Currie, Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, Hang-Jae Lee, Pascal Godefroit, Francois Escuillie, and Tsogtbaatar Chinzorig ≪Resolving the long-standing enigmas of a giant ornithomimosaur Deinocheirus mirificus ≫. Nature , 2014. DOI : 10.1038/nature13874 .
  46. Xu, X.; Zheng, X.; Sullivan, C.; Wang, X.; Xing, L.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, X.; o'Connor, J. K.; Zhang, F.; Pan, Y. (2015). "A bizarre Jurassic maniraptoran theropod with preserved evidence of membranous wings". Nature. [3]
  47. Lu, Junchang, Brusatte, Stephen L. 2015. A large, short-armed, winged dromaeosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of China and its implications for feather evolution. Sci. Rep.
  48. Robert A. DePalma , David A. Burnham, Larry D. Martin, Peter L. Larson and Robert T. Bakker (2015). "The first giant raptor (Theropoda: Dromaeosauridae) from the Hell Creek Formation". Paleontological Contributions 14 : 1-16
  49. Czerkas, S.A., and Ji, Q. (2002). "A new rhamphorhynchoid with a headcrest and complex integumentary structures." Pp. 15-41 in: Czerkas, S.J. (Ed.). Feathered Dinosaurs and the Origin of Flight . Blanding, Utah: The Dinosaur Museum. ISBN 1-932075-01-1

Bibliografia [ modifica ]

  • Vila , B.; Alba , D. M. ≪Plomes, dinosaures i ocells. Que fou primer, la ploma o l'ocell?≫. Omnis Cellula , 20, 2009, pag. 10-15.

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