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The Beatles - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content

The Beatles

Fram Wikip?dian
Bufan: John and Paul; Beneoðan: George and Ringo

Ðe Beatles ??ron Englisc ?ealcdr?amh?ap þe ?æs gestaðolod on Læferp?le þæs 1960. g?ares. H?e ?urdon f?os sp?digoste and br?moste gl??menn þ?re ?ealcdr?amyldu. Þæs h?apes gec?ðost h?das ??ron John Lennon , Paul McCartney , George Harrison , and Ringo Starr .

H?e t?f?ron on þ?m 1970. g?are, aned siþþan heora ?lc ?æs sp?dig selfum on dr?ame. John ?æs ofscoten þæs 1980. g?ares, and George c?æl for lungencancre on þ?m 2001. g?are; ac Paul and Ringo g?et dr?maþ.

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