Sp?onisc Ingewinn

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Byrne?ægn þ?ra Irmenfolces ?eroda

Se Sp?onisca Inge?inn ?urdon gefohten of 1936 to 1939 on Ispanie bet??onum þ? Cyne??sefolgendum, þ?ra tr?ð ?æs mid þ?re ?ðran Sp?oniscan Cyne??san mid Unr?cendum hiera geðoftum, ?ið þ? Þ?odfolgendas gel?d be Francisco Franco Heret?ga.

Yspania ?æs in þissum ge?inne be niede bedæled ðan feahton s?ylca herigas for ?eald in þ?m lande. Spain was thus left militarily and politically divided. Þ? Þ?odfolgendas onfangen ?æpnas and ?igan of Germanie and of Italie and þ? Cyne??sefolgenda healf afang fultum of þ?m Gem?tscipelicum l?od?earde of þ?re Sofietan Gesamnunge and of Mexico, and ?ac fultum of geoguð of fyrðrum landum.

Endlice ge?onnen þ? Þ?odfolgendas sige, and Franco ricsode on Sp?num s?a Caudillo (se is 'Lædt?o?') þ?m niehstum 36 ?intrum, of ?asterm?naþ 1939 oð his d?aþ in Blotm?naþ 1975.