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Þunresdæg - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c

Þunresdæg is þ?re ?uce dæg bet??onan ??dnesdæge and Fr?gedæge . His nama is genumen of þ?m naman þæs oþþe ge Norþmenniscan ge Þ?odiscan godes Þunres .

Æfter sumum geþ?odsumnessum (seoh þæt ge?rit be ISO 8601 ), ?scieppaþ þ? g?ares Þunresdagas þ? ?ucr?munge: ?uce 1 ?sciepþ man s?? þ? ?uce, þe hæfþ þone forman Þunresdæg þæs g?ares, and s?? forþ.

In þ?m folclican l?oðe, " Þunresdæges Cild hæfþ feorran t? g?nne ".

In þ?m Ge?nl?htan R?ce , sind cystas gehealdene gem?nel?ce Þunresdagum. This was to ensure a high turnout , as people would have spent their previous weeks wages, paid the previous Friday.

In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy be Douglas Adams , se h?d Arthur Dent sægþ, "This must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays" (þe is a?ended þus: "T?dæg sceal b?on Þunresdæg. Ic ne n? c?ðe d? ?el on Þunorsdagum."). Sumum stundinclum þ?ræfter is se d?eligend Eorðe forbrocen.

Þunresdæg is ?ac se forma nama þæs h?afods??ges Jasper Ffordes folclicra b?ca: The Eyre Affair , Forloren In G?dre B?c , The Well of Lost Plots , and Something Rotten (n? g?et ?tsend). Hire fulla nama is Þunresdæg N?ehsta, þe is ?ordgamen fram þ?m Bryttiscan c?ide. Hire m?dor nama is ??dnesdæg.

S?o ?ac


?tanwearde hlencan
