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January / February 2009

The Latest from FP

  • Photo Essay: The Inauguration Heard ’Round the World

    The inauguration of Barack Obama wasn’t the event of the day just in the United States. It received above-the-fold coverage in countries all over the globe.

  • The List: The World's Most Notorious Prisons

    With President Obama expected to announce the closing of the detention center at Guantánamo Bay within days, here's a look at five of the most brutal and controversial prisons that are still in operation around the world.

  • Inaugural Address of President Barack Obama

    Remarks as prepared for delivery on Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009, in Washington, D.C.

  • So You Want to Be a Special Envoy...

    Richard Holbrooke, the architect of the Dayton Accords ending the slaughter in Bosnia, is likely to be Obama's point man on the crisis in South Asia. Here's how he can ensure that his tough new mission ends in success.

  • The Secret Briefing Obama Needs on Day One

    A select few Americans will ever see the president's daily brief -- a digest of the intelligence community's most closely guarded secrets. But trust me, Barack Obama is going to need much more useful information than he is getting now.

  • Think Again: Barack Obama and the War on Terror

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for Barack Obama to end the war on terror.

  • This Week at War, No. 2

    What the four-stars are reading -- a weekly column from Small Wars Journal .

  • Welcome to Your New Job, Mr. President

    On the eve of his inauguration, eight world leaders tell Barack Obama how not to screw up.

  • Obama's Biggest Speech Yet

    Barack Obama has already proven himself to be an orator on par with Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. But it will take a deep understanding of history to meet the world's expectations next week.

  • Is Abu Mazen Finished?

    Once viewed as a game-changing statesman, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is mostly watching from the sidelines as the crisis in Gaza -- and the political situation in the West Bank and the wider Arab world -- passes him by.

  • Think Again: Counterinsurgency

    Why the U.S. Army's focus on nation-building at the expense of warfighting is misguided and dangerous.