Updates to the TensorFlow Developer Certificate

We launched the TensorFlow Developer Certificate exam program almost four years ago. More than 11,000 people have passed the exam and many have seen a positive impact as a result, including getting jobs as ML developers.

While we evaluate the next step in our certificate program, we will be closing down the TensorFlow Certificate exam.

The last day to register to take the exam is April 30, 2024, and the last day to take it is May 31, 2024. After you pass the exam, your credentials will be valid for 3 years.

TensorFlow Developer Certificate program overview

Exam | $100 USD

The goal of this certificate is to provide everyone in the world the opportunity to showcase their expertise in ML in an increasingly AI-driven global job market. This certificate in TensorFlow development is intended as a foundational certificate for students, developers, and data scientists who want to demonstrate practical machine learning skills through the building and training of models using TensorFlow.

The program consists of an assessment exam developed by the TensorFlow team. Developers who pass the exam can join our Certificate Network and display their certificate and badges on their resume, GitHub, and social media platforms including LinkedIn, making it easy to share their level of TensorFlow expertise with the world.

Stay tuned as we are working to add certificate programs for more advanced and specialized TensorFlow practitioners. Check back soon for more information.

Before you take the exam, please review our Candidate Handbook .

Who is the TensorFlow Certificate for?

This level one certificate exam tests a developers foundational knowledge of integrating machine learning into tools and applications. The certificate program requires an understanding of building TensorFlow models using Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, and real-world image data and strategies.

In order to successfully take the exam, test takers should be comfortable with:

  • Foundational principles of ML and Deep Learning

  • Building ML models in TensorFlow 2.x

  • Building image recognition, object detection, text recognition algorithms with deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks

  • Using real-world images in different shapes and sizes to visualize the journey of an image through convolutions to understand how a computer “sees” information, plot loss and accuracy

  • Exploring strategies to prevent overfitting, including augmentation and dropouts

  • Applying neural networks to solve natural language processing problems using TensorFlow

  • Learn something new. Increase your proficiency in machine learning, and test your abilities with the TensorFlow assessment exam.

  • Receive community recognition. Be recognized by others in the global TensorFlow community.

  • Showcase your skills. Share your certificate on your resume and social networking platforms like LinkedIn to be recognized as a top candidate for recruiters seeking entry-level TensorFlow developers.

  • Find TensorFlow talent. See who is a certificate holder in our Certificate Network , and find help for your machine learning tasks.

Explore our Certificate Network

Find TensorFlow Certificate holders who have passed the exam to help you with your machine learning and deep learning tasks.