
Update guide - Accompanist
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Updating & releasing Accompanist

This doc is mostly for maintainers.

New features & bugfixes

All new features should be uploaded as PRs against the main branch.

Once merged into main , they will be automatically merged into the snapshot branch.

Jetpack Compose Snapshots

We publish snapshot versions of Accompanist, which depend on a SNAPSHOT versions of Jetpack Compose. These are built from the snapshot branch.

Updating to a newer Compose snapshot

As mentioned above, updating to a new Compose snapshot is done by submitting a new PR against the snapshot branch:

# Create branch for PR


Now edit the project to depend on the new Compose SNAPSHOT version:

Edit /gradle/libs.versions.toml :

Under [versions] :

  1. Update the composesnapshot property to be the snapshot number
  2. Ensure that the compose property is correct

Make sure the project builds and test pass:

./gradlew check

Now git commit the changes and push to GitHub.

Finally create a PR (with the base branch as snapshot ) and send for review.


Once the next Jetpack Compose version is out, we're ready to push a new release:

#1: Merge snapshot into main

First we merge the snapshot branch into main :


# Create branch for PR


# Merge in the snapshot branch


#2: Update dependencies

Edit /gradle/libs.versions.toml :

Under [versions] :

  1. Update the composesnapshot property to a single character (usually - ). This disables the snapshot repository.
  2. Update the compose property to match the new release (i.e. 1.0.0-beta06 )

Make sure the project builds and test pass:

./gradlew check

Commit the changes.

#3: Bump the version number

Edit gradle.properties :

  • Update the VERSION_NAME property and remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix.

Commit the changes, using the commit message containing the new version name.

#4: Push to GitHub

Push the branch to GitHub and create a PR against the main branch, and send for review. Once approved and merged, it will be automatically deployed to Maven Central.

#5: Create release

Once the above PR has been approved and merged, we need to create the GitHub release:

  • Open up the Releases page.
  • At the top you should see a 'Draft' release, auto populated with any PRs since the last release. Click 'Edit'.
  • Make sure that the version number matches what we released (the tool guesses but is not always correct).
  • Double check everything, then press 'Publish release'.

At this point the release is published. This will trigger the docs action to run, which will auto-deploy a new version of the website .

#6: Prepare the next development version

The current release is now finished, but we need to update the version for the next development version:

Edit gradle.properties :

  • Update the VERSION_NAME property, by increasing the version number, and adding the -SNAPSHOT suffix.
  • Example: released version: 0.3.0 . Update to 0.3.1-SNAPSHOT

git commit and push to main .

Finally, merge all of these changes back to snapshot :

git checkout snapshot && git pull
git merge main
git push
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