

Flutter's Culture of Inclusivity

Beautiful Apps

Building an inclusive community

At our core as a project is the idea that everyone is welcome:
whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned expert;
no matter what you’re trying to build;
whoever you are.

You're welcome in the Flutter Community.

Be open

Three senses of openness: Open as in open minded, open as in accessible, and open as in Open Source.

Single codebase

Be modest

Flutter developers are helpful and never look down on others. Together, we are building an inclusive community.

Performant by design

Be respectful

Inclusive to the core. Our community is respectful of individuals and all of their choices.

Customize every pixel

Professional and Respectful

Our Values

We expect our community to act professionally and respectfully to one another, and we expect our social spaces to be safe and dignified environments. From our code of conduct :

Respect people, their identities, their culture, and their work.
Be kind. Be courteous. Be welcoming.
Listen. Consider and acknowledge people's points before responding.

We recognize that we are a work in progress, and that we all have much to learn about how to be allies . Many Flutter contributors are based in the US, where there is plenty of work remaining to improve racial equity in particular.

We also recognize that many programming communities under-represent the broader community that we aim to build for, and so for Flutter we want to acknowledge the gap and specifically affirm that our desire to be a welcoming and safe place where we elevate and cherish our full community.

Some of our actions include:

  • Making sure that our events include a diverse representation of our community;
  • Sponsoring tickets and travel for events like Google I/O for underrepresented communities;
  • Sponsoring events and communities that focus on diverse audiences;
  • Being careful to promote the work of our full community, and raising up new leaders of color, as well as those who identify as female or non-binary.

This is a journey, but we commit ourselves to it, and we hope you’ll join us in making that commitment.

Flutter Community

Preserving this culture

One of the things we're proudest of about Flutter is how people often comment on how open and welcoming the community is. No matter what your story is, you're welcome here.

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Preserving this culture

What makes Flutter so delightful and productive is the community. The idea that everyone is welcome is core to the growth and vibrance of the product.

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- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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