Create invite links

Invite links are an optional, easy way to increase your internal testing base by letting users add themselves to your list of app testers. An invite link is a unique URL that lets testers enter their email addresses to sign up to test an app.

There are two types of invite links:

  • Invite link to an app, with no group selected
  • Invite link to a group

If you use an invite link with a group attached, testers are added to all releases across all apps that the group has access to. If you use an invite link without a group, testers are only added to the latest distributed release of the app which they are invited to test. To learn more about groups, see Add and remove testers from a group .

You create an invite link in the Invite links tab of the App Distribution page of the Firebase console. We recommend that you add a domain restriction and a group. A domain restriction allows only those testers with an email address matching the domain, for example , to sign up to test the app.

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