gh label list

gh label list [flags]

Display labels in a GitHub repository.

When using the --search flag results are sorted by best match of the query. This behavior cannot be configured with the --order or --sort flags.


-q , --jq <expression>
Filter JSON output using a jq expression
--json <fields>
Output JSON with the specified fields
-L , --limit <int> (default 30)
Maximum number of labels to fetch
--order <string> (default "asc")
Order of labels returned: {asc|desc}
-S , --search <string>
Search label names and descriptions
--sort <string> (default "created")
Sort fetched labels: {created|name}
-t , --template <string>
Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w , --web
List labels in the web browser

Options inherited from parent commands

-R , --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>
Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format

JSON Fields

color , createdAt , description , id , isDefault , name , updatedAt , url


# sort labels by name

gh label list 

# find labels with "bug" in the name or description

gh label list 

See also