
Python - 2024-05-03
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4:03 AM
Woooow! I'm late on this conversation. @zoomingspeed: please realize that while you might best learn with methodA, there is no expectation or requirement that anyone here is an actual teacher that can tailor a teaching method to a specific user. We are all here as a volunteer community and do the best we can. Not to mention that in programming practice, it's only a matter of time before you reach a problem that requires you to Socratic yourself (this sometimes referred to as the Rubber Ducky method). As a really easy example, even if you were able to articulate a very valid question, you mi
In [23]: L = [1, 2, 3, [], 4, 5]

In [24]: for i in L:
    ...:     print(1+i)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[24], line 2
      1 for i in L:
----> 2     print(1+i)

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'

In [25]: try:
    ...:     for i in L:
    ...:         print(1+i)
    ...: except:
    ...:     pass

In [26]: for i in L:
and with that, I'm out. Gotta get at least /some/ sleep tonight
4:24 AM
man, I'm finding some truly awful old questions tonight
sure is fun to be the first downvoter, 8+ years later, for junk like stackoverflow.com/questions/34675555
I think I've had enough dumpster diving tonight
@s4D_t0y "I implemented the tab functionality and everything works, but when I click on the second tab it shows the second div underneath the first. Why?" - you first : what do you think should happen instead; and what is your reasoning for expecting that result?
Also: did you try to check the HTML that you actually get on the served page? Is it as you expect? And - is this clicking functionality supposed to be JavaScript driven, or are you expecting it to be something built in to HTML and/or CSS?
2 hours later…
6:30 AM
oops sorry for no update, I fixed this a couple hrs ago
anyway, I thought that, when I switched tabs, the new content would show up in the exact same spot as the old content
obviouslly, that didn't happen even without any of the usual culprits, like margin, padding, or something like that; btw, it was supposed to be twitter bootstrap5 powered
Any CTKInter heads here? my button press will only run my function once.. even though I have implemented command= lambda- trying to figure out exactly what my issue is so I can solve it... would it be that I am catching return values from functions into variables and then using if loops to connect to my button and label? so the lambda function is rerunning if loops but not resetting values?

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