
YouTube Partner Program travels to Japan, Australia, Ireland - YouTube Blog
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YouTube Partner Program travels to Japan, Australia, Ireland

By The YouTube Team

What do Japan, Australia, and Ireland all have in common?

They are the newest countries from which users can now apply to become partners in the YouTube Partner Program.

Now open in six countries, the YouTube Partner Program is our way of recognizing the most popular and prolific original content creators in the YouTube community worldwide. It's only been four months since we first expanded in December, but the results have already exceeded our expectations: we've paid out more than $1,000,000 in total revenue to user partners as part of the Partner Program. The program continues to grow every day, and we are excited to welcome tokyomimecity and Hughsnews as two of our newest partners.

So for those YouTube users from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, or Australia: if you've built a significant audience on YouTube and would like to become a YouTube partner, apply now . To others around the world, please sit tight -- we hope to bring the program to new countries soon.

The YouTube Team
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