
How to use YouTube to learn how to code - YouTube Blog
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Want to learn a new skill in 2024? Let YouTube help you learn how to code

Whether you’ve wanted to build your own web site or have no idea what coding is, you can find a range of creators and learning opportunities on YouTube to kickstart your coding journey.

The great thing about coding is how approachable it is ? anyone can learn how to do it with no experience needed. All you need is a computer and a willingness to learn.”

Scott Silver VP, Engineering, YouTube

Every day, people come to YouTube looking to learn more about the world around them ? from a quick tutorial on how to change a tire to explanations about how the Golden Gate Bridge was built , YouTube has answers.

Now, as we kick off 2024, learning a new skill is something many of us are thinking about as a New Year’s resolution. If you haven’t decided what yours should be yet, there’s no better time for that new skill to be coding and no better place for that learning to happen than on YouTube.

Coding powers much of the world around us, allowing us to build, shape and improve countless products and industries. It’s the reason you’re reading this blog post right now! As you can imagine, powering nearly everything around us means it’s a complex field that is constantly evolving, so it might feel daunting to dive into. But, the great thing about coding is how approachable it is ? anyone can learn how to do it with no experience needed. All you need is a computer and a willingness to learn.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a Roblox game designer. You can learn how to design your first Obby (obstacle course) with this video series from @BlackGirlsCode . Or maybe you want to start by working with the basics of code. Let @freeCodeCamp.org teach you the basics of computer programming and computer science and then get started by learning how to build a simple website using basic HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Or, maybe you’re not sure where to start and need some advice. Check out this video from @MayaBello where she shares how she would learn to code if she could start all over.

Ready to dive into something more challenging? @TheCodingTrain has you covered with this playlist for coders who want to learn Java.

If you’re interested in taking your learning a step further, this Study Hall course, Code and Programming for Beginners, is offered by Arizona State University in a new partnership we launched in 2023 to enable learners to earn college credit for coursework that starts on YouTube.

No matter where you are on your coding journey, YouTube has something for you.

Best of luck to you on becoming a coder in 2024!

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- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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