
Designing the perfect home with The Sorry Girls, Mme. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden - YouTube Blog
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Designing the perfect home with The Sorry Girls, Mme. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden

How do you make a house into a home? The Sorry Girls hung out with Mme. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and got all the low down.

One day in March, The Sorry Girls received an email invitation to come to Ottawa and chat about all things design and wellbeing with mental health advocate Mme. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and First Lady Jill Biden during the U.S. ? Canada visit to promote shared prosperity and shared values. There was panic, there was excitement, but mostly there was inspiration. The White House and The Prime Minister’s Office loved the content from The Sorry Girls, and thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about how our surroundings can be a source of well-being. This was the first joint-creator collaboration for Mme. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and Dr. Biden.

The Sorry Girls team packed their gear and headed to Canada’s capital for the Presidential visit.

When filming, It was clear that design was a common trait between The Sorry Girls and Mme. Gregoire Trudeau and Dr. Biden, as they discussed the importance of creating spaces that allow them and others to recharge and feel comfortable and welcome. Some of the key takeaways included:

  • Mme. Gregoire Trudeau: “Our surroundings have to reflect our values in a way. You may say, ‘it’s just design, it’s just the interior,’ but it’s so important to create an environment that reflects a little bit of who you are. To feel free, to feel that we can be ourselves, we [should] make sure that nothing is too stiff and structured. That is key to being comfortable at home.”

  • First Lady Jill Biden: “I have a lot of things from my grandmothers, things that mean so much to me. Their china, their handkerchiefs, their jewelry ? things that they had in their homes. I have a lot of pieces of [passed down] furniture so I always feel the presence of my family and their memories when I use it.”

It was a once in a lifetime experience to not only meet Mme. Gregoire Trudeau and Dr. Biden, but also to collaborate with them on a video, and share stories on the importance of creating spaces that are welcoming and feel communal”

Kelsey MacDermaid Creator, The Sorry Girls

“It was a once in a lifetime experience to not only meet Mme. Gregoire Trudeau and Dr. Biden, but also to collaborate with them on a video, and share stories on the importance of creating spaces that are welcoming and feel communal,” says Kelsey MacDermaid. “They were both so open and honest, and gave us a peek into how they build comfortable spaces for themselves and loved ones to recharge and reconnect.”

See the full video below to learn 7 tips to design the perfect home with The Sorry Girls, Mme. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden.

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