
Web workers ? Angular
Extended Ecosystem

Background processing using web workers

Web workers let you run CPU-intensive computations in a background thread, freeing the main thread to update the user interface. Application's performing a lot of computations, like generating Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings or doing heavy geometric calculations, can use web workers to increase performance.

HELPFUL: The Angular CLI does not support running itself in a web worker.

Adding a web worker

To add a web worker to an existing project, use the Angular CLI ng generate command.

ng generate web-worker <location>

You can add a web worker anywhere in your application. For example, to add a web worker to the root component, src/app/app.component.ts , run the following command.

ng generate web-worker app

The command performs the following actions.

  1. Configures your project to use web workers, if it isn't already.

  2. Adds the following scaffold code to src/app/app.worker.ts to receive messages.


    addEventListener ( 'message' , ( { data } ) => {
    const response = `worker response to ${data} ` ;
    postMessage (response);
  3. Adds the following scaffold code to src/app/app.component.ts to use the worker.


    if ( typeof Worker !== 'undefined' ) {
    // Create a new
    const worker = new Worker ( new URL ( './app.worker' , import . meta . url ));
    worker. onmessage = ( { data } ) => {
    console . log ( `page got message: ${data} ` );
    worker. postMessage ( 'hello' );
    } else {
    // Web workers are not supported in this environment.
    // You should add a fallback so that your program still executes correctly.

After you create this initial scaffold, you must refactor your code to use the web worker by sending messages to and from the worker.

IMPORTANT: Some environments or platforms, such as @angular/platform-server used in Server-side Rendering , don't support web workers.

To ensure that your application works in these environments, you must provide a fallback mechanism to perform the computations that the worker would otherwise perform.

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- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 전통문화연구회 "울산대학교한국어처리연구실 옥철영(IT융합전공)교수팀"에서 개발한 한글한자자동변환기를 바탕하여 지속적으로 공동 연구 개발하고 있는 서비스입니다.
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