
Words of wisdom for self-taught developers (Ep. 431) - Stack Overflow

Words of wisdom for self-taught developers (Ep. 431)

The home team chats with Jon Chan, Stack Overflow’s Director of Engineering, Public Platform, about his path from self-taught developer to director of engineering, why his management mantra is “Delegate and elevate,” the profound value of a diverse and inclusive workplace, and the Neopets-to-frontend-development pipeline. Plus, Jon gives excellent advice to all the self-taught developers out there.

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The home team chats with Jon Chan, Stack Overflow’s Director of Engineering, Public Platform, about his path from self-taught developer to director of engineering, why his management mantra is “Delegate and elevate,” the profound value of a diverse and inclusive workplace, and the Neopets-to-frontend-development pipeline. Plus, Jon gives excellent advice to all the self-taught developers out there.

Episode notes:

Quizzes and games like Roblox are a good way to build your knowledge, whether you’re learning to code or becoming a K-pop expert.

ICYMI: Listen to our conversation with HashiCorp cofounder Mitchell Hashimoto , who recently returned to an IC role after serving as CEO and CTO.

Connect with Jon on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter .

Today’s Lifeboat badge goes to user Roko C. Buljan for their answer to Pure CSS 3 image slider?without JavaScript or radio inputs .


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