
GitHub - xcpretty/xcode-install: ?? Install and update your Xcodes
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Install and update your Xcodes automatically.

$ gem install xcode-install
$ xcversion install 6.3

This tool uses the Downloads for Apple Developer page.


$ gem install xcode-install

Note: unfortunately, XcodeInstall has a transitive dependency on a gem with native extensions and this is not really fixable at this point in time. If you are installing this on a machine without a working compiler, please use these alternative instructions instead:

$ curl -sL -O https://github.com/neonichu/ruby-domain_name/releases/download/v0.5.99999999/domain_name-0.5.99999999.gem
$ gem install domain_name-0.5.99999999.gem
$ gem install --conservative xcode-install
$ rm -f domain_name-0.5.99999999.gem


XcodeInstall needs environment variables with your credentials to access the Apple Developer Center, they are stored using the credentials_manager of fastlane :



To list available versions:

$ xcversion list
6.2 (installed)

Already installed versions are marked with (installed) . (Use $ xcversion installed to only list installed Xcodes with their path).

To update the list of available versions, run:

$ xcversion update


To install a certain version, simply:

$ xcversion install 8
###########################################################               82.1%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Please authenticate for Xcode installation...

Xcode 8
Build version 6D570

This will download and install that version of Xcode. Then you can start it from /Applications as usual. The new version will also be automatically selected for CLI commands (see below).

GMs and beta versions

Note: GMs and beta versions usually have special names, e.g.

$ xcversion list
7 GM seed
7.1 beta

They have to be installed using the full name, e.g. xcversion install '7 GM seed' .


We recommend the creation of a .xcode-version file to explicitly declare and store the Xcode version to be used by your CI environment as well as your team.


Read the proposal of .xcode-version .


To see the currently selected version, run

$ xcversion selected

To select a version as active, run

$ xcversion select 8

To select a version as active and change the symlink at /Applications/Xcode , run

$ xcversion select 8 --symlink

Command Line Tools

XcodeInstall can also install Xcode's Command Line Tools by calling xcversion install-cli-tools .


XcodeInstall can also manage your local simulators using the simulators command.

$ xcversion simulators
Xcode 6.4 (/Applications/Xcode-6.4.app)
iOS 7.1 Simulator (installed)
iOS 8.1 Simulator (not installed)
iOS 8.2 Simulator (not installed)
iOS 8.3 Simulator (installed)
Xcode 7.2.1 (/Applications/Xcode-7.2.1.app)
iOS 8.1 Simulator (not installed)
iOS 8.2 Simulator (not installed)
iOS 8.3 Simulator (installed)
iOS 8.4 Simulator (not installed)
iOS 9.0 Simulator (not installed)
iOS 9.1 Simulator (not installed)
tvOS 9.0 Simulator (not installed)
watchOS 2.0 Simulator (installed)

To install a simulator, use --install and the beginning of a simulator name:

$ xcversion simulators --install='iOS 8.4'
###########################################################               82.1%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Please authenticate to install iOS 8.4 Simulator...

Successfully installed iOS 8.4 Simulator


Unfortunately, the installation size of Xcodes downloaded will be bigger than when downloading via the Mac App Store, see #10 and feel free to dupe the radar. ??

XcodeInstall automatically installs additional components so that it is immediately usable from the commandline. Unfortunately, Xcode will load third-party plugins even in that situation, which leads to a dialog popping up. Feel free to dupe the radar . ??

XcodeInstall normally relies on the Spotlight index to locate installed versions of Xcode. If you use it while indexing is happening, it might show inaccurate results and it will not be able to see installed versions on unindexed volumes.

To workaround the Spotlight limitation, XcodeInstall searches /Applications folder to locate Xcodes when Spotlight is disabled on the machine, or when Spotlight query for Xcode does not return any results. But it still won't work if your Xcodes are not located under /Applications folder.


Thanks to @neonichu , the original (and best) author.

This downloading script which has been used for some inspiration, also this for doing the installation. Additionally, many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project, especially @henrikhodne and @lacostej for making XcodeInstall C extension free.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/xcpretty/xcode-install/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch ( git checkout -b my-new-feature )
  3. Commit your changes ( git commit -am 'Add some feature' )
  4. Push to the branch ( git push origin my-new-feature )
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Running tests

bundle exec rake spec

Running code style linter

bundle exec rubocop -a


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.

This project and all fastlane tools are in no way affiliated with Apple Inc or Google. This project is open source under the MIT license, which means you have full access to the source code and can modify it to fit your own needs. All fastlane tools run on your own computer or server, so your credentials or other sensitive information will never leave your own computer. You are responsible for how you use fastlane tools.

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- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 전통문화연구회 "울산대학교한국어처리연구실 옥철영(IT융합전공)교수팀"에서 개발한 한글한자자동변환기를 바탕하여 지속적으로 공동 연구 개발하고 있는 서비스입니다.
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