
GitHub - github/hubot-scripts: DEPRECATED, see https://github.com/github/hubot-scripts/issues/1113 for details - optional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json
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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 8, 2023. It is now read-only.



These are a collection of community scripts for hubot , a chat bot for your company.

Important : this repository is no longer accepting new scripts. Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details.

There is a new system for distributing scripts, and adding them to your own hubot. Locate the appropriate script in the hubot-scripts organization or on npm tagged as hubot-scripts , and follow the script's documentation. In general, this will be something like:

  1. Add a line to external-scripts.json
  2. Add a line to package.json
  3. Add environment variables, depending on the script


Check out the hubot-script-catalog for a list and description of all the available scripts.


Once you have Hubot installed, you should already have hubot-scripts installed. Check package.json to be sure. If that is the case, you update hubot-scripts.json to list any scripts from this repository you want to load. The default hubot-scripts.json looks like:

["redis-brain.coffee", "shipit.coffee"]

If you update hubot-scripts in package.json , you will automatically get updates to your scripts listed here.

Alternatively, you can copy files from this repository into your scripts directory. Note that you would not get updates from the hubot-scripts repository unless you copy them yourself.

Any third-party dependencies for scripts need the addition of your package.json otherwise a lot of errors will be thrown during the start up of your hubot. You can find a list of dependencies for a script in the documentation header at the top of the script.

Restart your robot, and you're good to go.

All the scripts in this repository are located in src/scripts .


Want to write your own Hubot script? The best way is to take a look at an existing script and see how things are set up. Hubot scripts are written in CoffeeScript, a higher-level implementation of JavaScript.

Additionally, it's extremely helpful to add TomDoc to the top of each file. (Check out an example ). We'll pull out the commands from those lines and display them in the generic, robot-wide hubot help command.

Please note we're no longer including external dependencies in the package.json , so should you wish to include them please include the package name and required version in the TomDoc comments at the top of your script.


We're now requiring all scripts in hubot-scripts to contain a documentation header so people know everything about the script.


   <description of the scripts functionality>



   "<module name>": "<module version>"






   hubot <trigger> - <what the respond trigger does>

   <trigger> - <what the hear trigger does>



   <optional notes required for the script>



   <github username of the original script author>

If you have nothing to fill in for a section you should include None in that section. Empty sections which are optional should be left blank. A script will be required to fill out the documentation before being merged into the repository.

- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 교육부 고전문헌국역지원사업의 지원으로 구축되었습니다.
- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 전통문화연구회 "울산대학교한국어처리연구실 옥철영(IT융합전공)교수팀"에서 개발한 한글한자자동변환기를 바탕하여 지속적으로 공동 연구 개발하고 있는 서비스입니다.
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- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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