
GitHub - XJTU-Graphics/dandelion: A light-weight graphics experiment framework for educational usage.
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Dandelion 3D


Dandelion is a light-weight, cross-platform graphics framework for educational usage. It allow users to load and place objects in a 3D scene, render the scene using different offline renderers, edit mesh with the help of halfedge data structure, or perform simple simulation. We believe it will be a good choice for basic computer graphics courses.

We have Dandelion Development Documents published on both GitHub Pages and Read the Docs :

The two websites are synchronized automatically, please visit any of them to get more information about Dandelion 3D. We hope the documents will be helpful for extending Dandelion to more graphics labs.


There are two channels, the dev channel and the release channel.

The dev channel is the full functional version, containing all source code (including the solutions of labs). It is only accessible for members of XJTU Graphics. We develop and test new features on the dev channel, Then port them to the release channel.

The release channel is a public repository (XJTU-Graphics/dandelion) containing the skeleton code for Computer Graphics course of XJTU (Xi'an Jiaotong University). Some of implementations are removed, waiting for students to fill them. If you have found any bug or have any suggestion about Dandelion, please open an issue on the release channel to tell us. Pull requests are welcomed, but not all PRs will be merged. We will decide whether to merge a PR or not by its source code quality and our development plan. Once a PR is merged to the release channel, we will port it to the dev channel.

Please not create any PR providing solution of any lab, such a PR will never be merged and will be deleted once we have noticed it. If your issue benefits Dandelion or your PR is merged, your name (or nick name) will be recorded in the list of contributors. Thanks for all supports, suggestions, tests and our students. Without your help, Dandelion will never be successful.


  • greyishsong: Architecture, OpenGL API encapsulation, geometry processing and collision detection
  • JoTaiLang: Software renderers and BVH acceleration
  • siyuanluo: Kinetic movement solution
  • ibm5100: Testing on macOS
  • Yqy123kkxx: Validation of labs about simulation
  • STORM-S314: Validation of labs about geometry processing
  • Kylee: Validation of labs about rendering
  • geezmolycos: Removal of light sources through GUI operations


Dandelion 是一??量?的跨平台?形????架,??了?景布局、??渲染、?格??、物理模?等功能。?于?算机?形?基??程??,我?相信??是一?不?的???架。

Dandelion ??者文?同步托管于 GitHub Pages 和 Read the Docs ??平台:

???上述二者之一??取??的文?。无??想要完成???是拓展 Dandelion 的功能,?些文???都有所?助。


我???了 dev 和 release ???道,分?用于?部??和?外?布。

dev ?道是功能完善的版本,包含了 Dandelion 的所有源代?。只有西安交通大??形???成?才能??其中的代?,我?在???道上?????新的功能和特性,然后?相?的更新?移到 release ?道上。

release ?道是一?公??? (XJTU-Graphics/dandelion) ,包含西安交通大??形??程??的?架代?。??于???目的部分功能??被?去,留待???程的同?自行??。如果???任何 bug 或? Dandelion 有什?建?,?在??公???中提出一? issue 。我?也?迎各位提出 Pull Request ,我??根据 PR 是否符合我?的更新??以及所提交代?的?量?定是否合?。?我?在 release ?道上合?了?的 PR ,我???其移植到 dev ?道。

?勿提出提供??答案的 PR ,??的 PR 一???立??除。如果?的 issue ? Dandelion 的?展有益或我?合?了?的 PR ,我??????至??者列表中。感?所有改??架、提出建?或?行??的朋友?,也感?各位????的同??。?有??的?助,Dandelion 定然无法走到今天?一步。


  • greyishsong, 架???和 OpenGL API 封?、?何?理、?撞??
  • JoTaiLang, ?渲染器、BVH 加速??
  • siyuanluo, ??求解
  • ibm5100, macOS 平台??
  • Yqy123kkxx, 物理模?部分????
  • STORM-S314, ?何部分????
  • Kylee, 渲染部分????
  • geezmolycos: 通? GUI 操作移除?景中的光源
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- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 전통문화연구회 "울산대학교한국어처리연구실 옥철영(IT융합전공)교수팀"에서 개발한 한글한자자동변환기를 바탕하여 지속적으로 공동 연구 개발하고 있는 서비스입니다.
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- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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