gh pr status

Show status of relevant pull requests

gh pr status [flags]


-c , --conflict-status
Display the merge conflict status of each pull request
-q , --jq <expression>
Filter JSON output using a jq expression
--json <fields>
Output JSON with the specified fields
-t , --template <string>
Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

Options inherited from parent commands

-R , --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>
Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format

JSON Fields

additions , assignees , author , autoMergeRequest , baseRefName , body , changedFiles , closed , closedAt , comments , commits , createdAt , deletions , files , headRefName , headRefOid , headRepository , headRepositoryOwner , id , isCrossRepository , isDraft , labels , latestReviews , maintainerCanModify , mergeCommit , mergeStateStatus , mergeable , mergedAt , mergedBy , milestone , number , potentialMergeCommit , projectCards , projectItems , reactionGroups , reviewDecision , reviewRequests , reviews , state , stateReason , statusCheckRollup , title , updatedAt , url

See also

In use

# Viewing the status of your relevant pull requests

$ gh pr status
Current branch

 Remove the test feature 

All checks failing
Review required

Created by you

  You have no open pull requests

Requesting a code review from you

 Fix tests 

3/4 checks failing
Review required

 New feature 

Checks passing
