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Aquino, Corazon Cojuangco (1933-2009) Documentation Documentation
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Notice de type Personne

Point d'acces autorise

Aquino, Corazon Cojuangco (1933-2009)

Variantes de point d'acces

Aquino, Maria Corazon
[Nom de personne]
Aquino, Cory
[Nom de personne]
Cojuangco, Maria Corazon
[Nom de personne]


(par souci de protection des donnees a caractere personnel , le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas etre affiches)
Langue d'expression :  philippines, langues
Pays :  Philippines
Date de naissance :    25 /  01 /  1933
Date de mort :    01 /  08 /  2009
Genre :  Feminin


Note publique d'information : 
Femme politique, presidente de 1986 a 1992

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI :  0000000114747488


Internet consulte le 04-01-2005,

Information trouvee :  Aquino, Cory popular name of (Maria) Corazon Aquino, nee Cojuangco (1933- ) Philippines politician and president (1986-92), born in Tarlac province. She studied at Mount St Vincent College, New York, before marrying a young politician, Benigno S Aquino (1932-83), in 1956, who became the chief political opponent to Ferdinand Marcos. Imprisoned on charges of murder and subversion (1972-80), he was assassinated by a military guard at Manila airport in 1983 on his return from three years of exile in the USA. Corazon was drafted by the Opposition to contest the 1986 presidential election, and claimed victory over Marcos, accusing the government of ballot-rigging. She took up her husband's cause, leading a non-violent 'people's power' campaign which succeeded in overthrowing Marcos. She survived several coup attempts during her presidency, but did not stand for re-election in 1992

Le Monde, 2009-08-05

Information trouvee :  Deces

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