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Mammuthus |

Taxon profile


Mammuthus Brookes, 1828

kingdom Animalia - animals ≫  phylum Chordata - chordates ≫  class Mammalia - mammals ≫  order Proboscidea - elephants ≫  family Elephantidae - elephants ≫  subtribus Elephantina

Temporal range: Quaternary > Pleistocene > Lower Pleistocene – Upper Pleistocene
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Included taxa

Number of records: 15

species Mammuthus africanavus (Arambourg, 1952) - African Mammoth
Tertiary: Zanclean
species Mammuthus armeniacus (Falconer, 1857) - Armenian Mammoth
species Mammuthus columbi Falconer, 1875 - Jeffersonian Mammoth
Quaternary: Upper Pleistocene – Holocene

Mammuthus columbi

species Mammuthus dwarfus - Wrangel Island Mammoth
species Mammuthus fraasi (Dietrich, 1912)
species Mammuthus hayi (Barbour, 1915)
species Mammuthus imperator (Leidy, 1858) - Imperial Mammoth
Tertiary: Zanclean – Quaternary: Upper Pleistocene
species Mammuthus lamarmorae (Major, 1883) - Sardinian Dwarf Mammoth
species Mammuthus meridionalis (Nesti, 1825) - Southern Mammoth
Tertiary: Piacenzian – Quaternary: Chibanian

Mammuthus meridionalis

species Mammuthus primigenius (Blumenbach, 1799) - Woolly Mammoth
Quaternary: Chibanian – Holocene

Mammuthus primigenius

species Mammuthus rumanus Stefanescu, 1924
species Mammuthus subplanifrons (Osborn, 1928)
Tertiary: Pliocene
species Mammuthus sungari (Zhou, M. Z, 1959) - Songhua River Mammoth
Quaternary: Chibanian – Upper Pleistocene
species Mammuthus trogontherii Pohlig, 1885 - Steppe Mammoth
Tertiary: Middle Pliocene – Quaternary: Chibanian

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