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페이지를 파싱하기 어렵습니다. 36839 Henry, Infante of Portugal, 1394-1460 Henry, Infante of Portugal, 1394-1460 De Aviz, Henrique, 1394-1460 De Aviz, Henrique, 1394-1460 Heinrich, der Seefahrer, 1394-1460 Heinrich, der Seefahrer, 1394-1460 Henri, le Navigateur, 1394-1460 Henri, le Navigateur, 1394-1460 Henrique de Aviz, 1394-1460 Henrique de Aviz, 1394-1460 Henrique, Infante of Portugal, 1394-1460 Henrique, Infante of Portugal, 1394-1460 Henrique, O Navegador, Infante of Portugal, 1394-1460. Henrique, O Navegador, Infante of Portugal, 1394-1460. Henry, the Navigator, 1394-1460 Henry, the Navigator, 1394-1460 Henryk, ?eglarz, ksi???, 1394-1460 Henryk, ?eglarz, ksi???, 1394-1460 Henry, Infante of Portugal, 1394-1460 This identifier is deprecated. See the rdfs:seeAlso link for the new identifier. application/rdf+xml 2004-09-24T00:00:00.0 2023-10-27T12:28:10.0 Cataloged by agency: OCoLC Transcribed by agency: OCoLC FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Data Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0 This is OCLC's "local copy" of the ODC-By license