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Word of the day
for June 27
prior n
  1. ( Christianity ) A high-ranking member of a religious house or religious order .
    1. In an abbey , the person ranking just after the abbot , appointed as his deputy ; a prior claustral .
    2. The head of a priory ( a monastery which is usually a branch of an abbey ) , or some other minor or smaller monastery; a prior conventual .
    3. The head friar of a house of friars.
    4. The head of the Arrouaisian , Augustinian , and formerly Premonstratensian religious orders.
    5. An honorary position held by a priest in some cathedrals .
  2. ( historical )
    1. A chief magistrate of the Republic of Florence (1115?1569) in what is now Italy .
    2. The elected head of a guild of craftsmen or merchants in some countries in Europe and South America .
  3. ( obsolete )
    1. A person who is the earliest or most prominent in a field ; the chief .
    2. ( business ) The head of a company . [...]
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