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Help : 英文?國際音標讀音


以下?表格係按返 國際音標 ?標準?話明,?維基百科入面? 英文 讀音係???:

想知多?,請?下 英文?音標

符號 [ 編輯 ]

(按小型大寫字母 small capitals 寫出?單字係 基本詞類 。單字 bath cloth 都有兩種?同?發音,分別係 /?ː/ /æ/ ,重有 /?/ /?ː/

讀音 ?語近字
b b uy, ca b
d d ye, ca d
ð th y, brea the , fa th er
d? g iant, ba dge , j am
f ph i, ca ff , f an
? ( ? ) [1] g uy, ba g
h h igh, a h ead
j y es, y acht
k s k y, c ra ck
l l ie, s l y, ga l
m m y, s m ile, ca m ?
n n igh, s n ide, ca n
ŋ sa ng , si n k, si ng er
ŋ? fi ng er, a ng er
θ th igh, ma th 夫、
p p ie, s p y, ca p
r r ye, t r y, ve r y [3]
s s igh, ma ss
? sh y, ca sh , emo ti on
t t ie, s t y, ca t , a t om
t? Ch ina, ca tch
v v ie, ha ve
w w ye, s w ine
hw wh y [4]
z z oo, ha s ?
? plea s ure, vi si on, bei g e [5]
x u gh , lo ch , Ch anukah [6]
? uh - oh /???o?/
讀音 完全元音 ?語近字 ……後邊?住 R [7] [8] ?語近字
p a lm , b ah t, f a ther, br a ? ?r st ar t , b ar d, b ar n, sn ar l, st ar /?ːr./ 重可以)
? l o t , p o d, J o hn, d o ll [9] ?r m or al, f or age
æ tr a p , p a d, sh a ll, b a n ær b arr ow, m arr y
a? pr i ce , r i de, f i le, f i ne, p ie [10] ? a??r f ire ( /a?r./ ) [8]
a? m ou th , l ou d, f ou l, d ow n, h ow ? a??r h our ( /a?r./ ) [8]
? dr e ss , b e d, f e ll, m e n [11] ? ?r err or, m err y [12]
e? f a ce , m a de, f ai l, v ei n, p ay ? ??r squ are , sc are d, sc ar ce, c air n, M ar y ( /e?r./ ) [13] [8]
? k i t , l i d, f i ll, b i n 衣,大過 ?r m irr or, S ir ius
fl ee ce , s ee d, f ee l, m ea n, s ea ??r n ear , b ear d, f ier ce, s er ious ( /iːr./ )
th ough t , M au d, d aw n, f a ll, str aw [14] ? ?r n or th , b or n, f or , aur al ( /?ːr./ )
?? ch oi ce , v oi d, f oi l, c oi n, b oy ???r l oir , c oir ( /??r./ ) [8]
o? g oa t , c o de, f oa l, b o ne, g o [15] ??r f or ce , b oar , m ore , or al ( /o?r./ ) [16] 柯亞
? f oo t , g oo d, f u ll, w o man ?r c our ier
g oo se , f oo d, f oo l, s oo n, ch ew ??r b oor , m oor , t our ist ( /uːr./ ) [17]
juː c ue d, c u te, m u le, t u ne, q ueue [18] j??r c ure
? str u t , m u d, d u ll, g u n [19] ? ?r b or ough, h urr y
?r n ur se , w or d, g ir l, f er n, f urr y ( /?ː/ ) [20]
? Ros a ’s, a ?mission, comm a ?r lett er , p er form( /?/ 重可以係) [20]
? ros e s, e mission [21] ? ? ?n butt on
? o mission [22] o? ? 律,韻核 ?m rhyth m
? beautif u l, curric u lum ( [j?] ) [23] ? ? ?l bott le
i happ y , ser i ous [24] ? ?, ? (元音成日弱化成:nasturt i um)
重音 音節劃分
讀音 讀音
? in to na tion /??nt??ne???n/ , [25]
bat tleship /?bæt?l??p/ [26]
. shellfish /???l.f??/ , selfish /?s?lf.??/
nitrate /?na?.tre?t/ , night-rate /?na?
hire /?ha??r/ , higher /?ha?.?r/
moai /?mo?.a?/ , Windhoek /?v?nt.h?k/
Vancouveria /væn.kuː?v??ri?/ [27]

[ 編輯 ]

  1. 如?? ? ?同? ??兩個符號都?一樣,而且第一個字?落去好似個? γ ?字?話,?係?臺電腦?標準字體有問題,?該?埋 渲染問題 .
  2. 「夫」字係廣州同香港地區?譯音,而「斯」字譯音?珠海同佛山地區同埋 心母 讀邊擦或者齒擦??。
  3. 雖然話「 [r] 」?個國際音標符號係有 顫音 ,但?英文界?讀音方面,大多數人都係用「 /r/ 」符號?讀音,得好少人係用「 /?/ 」?讀音,除非?大部分?英文抄寫情況先至用「 /?/ 」。
  4. ?好將「 /hw/ 」同「 /w/ 」?個讀音?亂。因?「 /w/ 」?個讀音?英文?方言入面係?入?。想知多?,?? 英文?wh音變化 。就好似英式公認發音同大多數?美式發音??區分。
  5. 就好似 genre garage ?一大堆?英文單詞,都?係讀 /?/ 音就係 /d?/ 音喇。
  6. ?大部分?英文方言入面, /x/ ? loch 單詞成日讀成 /k/ 音,而? Chanukah 係成日讀成 /h/ 音。
  7. In non-rhotic accents like RP, /r/ is not pronounced unless followed by a vowel. In some Wikipedia articles, /??r/ etc. may not be distinguished from /?r/ etc. When they are distinguished, the long vowels are sometimes transcribed /iːr/ etc. by analogy with vowels not followed by /r/ . These should be fixed to correspond with the chart here.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Note that many speakers distinguish monosyllabic triphthongs with R and disyllabic realizations: hour /?a??r/ from plougher /?pla?.?r/ , hire /?ha??r/ from higher /?ha?.?r/ , loir /?l???r/ from employer /?m?pl??.?r/ , mare /?m??r/ from mayor /?me?.?r/ .
  9. ?美式英文?方言讀音入面,千祈?將 /?/ 音同 /?ː/ 音?亂。想知多?,?? 英文?後重原音變化
  10. Many speakers, for example in most of Canada, have a different vowel in price and ride . Generally, an [a?] is used at the ends of words and before voiced sounds, as in ride, file, fine, pie, while an [??] is used before voiceless sounds, as in price and write . Because /t/ and /d/ are often conflated in the middle of words in these dialects, derivatives of these words, such as rider and writer , may be distinguished only by their vowel: [??? a? ???], [??? ?? ???] . However, even though the value of /a?/ is not predictable in some words, such as spider [?sp ?? ???] , [未記出處或?根據] dictionaries do not generally record it, so it has not been allocated a separate transcription here.
  11. Instead of ? , many dictionaries use /e/ as a simplification, in other words without actually intending this sound. [1] [2] [3]
  12. Instead of ? , many dictionaries use /e/ as a simplification, in other words without actually intending this sound. [4] [5] [6]
  13. The GenAm pronunciation is ?r . Instead of using ? in RP ??r and GenAm ?r , many dictionaries use /e/ ( e?r in RP and er in GenAm) as a simplification, in other words without actually intending this sound. [7] [8] [9]
  14. /?ː/ is not distinguished from /?ː/ (except before /r/ ) in dialects with the cot-caught merger such as some varieties of GenAm.
  15. Commonly transcribed /??/ or /oː/ .
  16. /??r/ is not distinguished from /?r/ in dialects with the horse-hoarse merger , which include most dialects of modern English.
  17. /??r/ is not distinguished from /?r/ in dialects with the pour-poor merger , including many younger speakers.
  18. In dialects with yod-dropping , /juː/ is pronounced the same as /uː/ after coronal consonants ( /t/ , /d/ , /s/ , /z/ , /n/ , /θ/ , and /l/ ) in the same syllable, so that dew /djuː/ is pronounced the same as do /duː/ . In dialects with yod-coalescence , /tj/ , /dj/ , /sj/ and /zj/ are pronounced /t?/ , /d?/ , /?/ and /?/ , so that the first syllable in Tuesday is pronounced the same as choose .
  19. This phoneme is not used in the northern half of England and some bordering parts of Wales. These words would take the ? vowel: there is no foot-strut split .
  20. 20.0 20.1 In some articles /?r/ is transcribed as /?ː/ , and /?r/ as /?/ , when not followed by a vowel.
  21. Pronounced [?] in Australian and many US dialects, and [?] in Received Pronunciation. Many speakers freely alternate between a reduced [??] and a reduced [?] . Many phoneticians (vd. Olive & Greenwood 1993:322) and the OED use the pseudo-IPA symbol ? [10] , and Merriam?Webster uses ?? .
  22. Pronounced [?] in many dialects, and [?w] or [?w] before another vowel, as in c o operate. Sometimes pronounced as a full /o?/ , especially in careful speech. (Bolinger 1989) Usually transcribed as /?(?)/ (or similar ways of showing variation between /??/ and /?/ ) in British dictionaries.
  23. Pronounced [?] in many dialects, [?] in others. Many speakers freely alternate between a reduced [??] and a reduced [?] . The OED uses the pseudo-IPA symbol ? [11] .
  24. Pronounced /iː/ in dialects with the happy tensing , /?/ in other dialects. British convention used to transcribe it with /?/, but the OED and other influential dictionaries recently converted to /i/.
  25. It is arguable that there is no phonemic distinction in English between primary and secondary stress (vd. Ladefoged 1993), but it is conventional to notate them as here.
  26. Full vowels following a stressed syllable, such as the ship in battleship, are marked with secondary stress in some dictionaries (Merriam-Webster), but not in others (the OED). Such syllables are not actually stressed.
  27. Syllables are indicated sparingly, where necessary to avoid confusion, for example to break up sequences of vowels ( moai ) or consonant clusters which an English speaker might misread as a digraph ( Vancouveria, Windhoek ).