
Wikipedia (ch?-iu e pek-kho-choan-su) beh k? li kong...


eBay ( NASDAQ EBAY ) s? se-kai chhut-mia e b?ng-l?? seng-li kong-si. Chu-iau e s?-gia?p s? soaⁿ-teng k?ng-b? .

In cha-lian s? Pierre Omidyar t? 1995 ni khai-siat e ko-jin b?ng-ch?m AuctionWeb , ?u--lai hoat-tian cho kong-si keng-geng, t? 1997 ni h?-mia eBay .

Chham-kho [ siu-kai | kai goan-si-be ]

  • Henderson, Harry (2008). "eBay". Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology (Revised Edition) . Facts On File.  

Goa-p?? lian-kiat [ siu-kai | kai goan-si-be ]