
Tiffany Trump Is Now Working for a Bank Robber-Turned-Lawyer

According to Trump’s Instagram bio, she’s now a research assistant for Professor Shon Hopwood at Georgetown.
Image may contain Tiffany Trump Clothing Sleeve Apparel Long Sleeve Human Person Fashion and Home Decor
By David M. Benett/Getty Images.

Breaking news out of D.C.: Tiffany Trump is back! Trump has spent her summer traveling around the world, doing everything from clubbing with her mom in London to hanging out with Lindsay Lohan in Mykonos . Now, she’s back within spitting distance from her father at Georgetown for her second year of law school. Tiffany Trump posted a video of her climbing some stairs at the school on Monday, though according to the official calendar, classes don’t start until August 27.

As pointed out by the Washingtonian, Trump has updated her bio on Instagram to include her new job as a research assistant to Professor Shon Hopwood, a well-known jailhouse lawyer who robbed banks in small towns in Nebraska and spent 11 years in prison. During his stint behind bars, Hopwood petitioned the Supreme Court for review of another inmate’s case, which the court granted. He’s now an advocate for prison reform, telling The Washington Post in 2017 that “it’s one of the big social-justice issues of our time.”

Prison reform is an interest of Trump’s brother-in-law, Jared Kushner, whose own father spent 14 months in prison on charges of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering . Kushner recently worked with Kim Kardashian on the release of Alice Johnson, a 63-year-old woman who was serving a life sentence on a nonviolent drug charge before being granted clemency by Donald Trump in June.

It’s good to know that Tiffany has at least one solid talking point when she hangs out with her family over Thanksgiving.