Computers, Printing & Wi-Fi

Computers, internet access & printing

All library branches offer the services listed below.

  • Reserve a Computer

    Computers with internet access and Microsoft Office software can be booked up to three days in advance.

  • Wireless internet access

    Learn how to connect to Wi-Fi at the library and how to protect yourself on public networks.

  • Printing and photocopying

    Use a printing station at any library branch to print files. Photocopying is not available.

Specialized equipment, software & training

  • Computer Learning Centres

    Take classes to improve your computer skills or use the latest creative and productivity software, including Adobe Creative Suite and MS Office. Mac computers are currently unavailable.

  • Digital Innovation Services

    From 3D printing to web design, and photography to coding, access to the latest technology and training. Learn, create and explore in welcoming and creative workspaces.

  • Scanners

    Flatbed scanners for document and photo scanning are available at some branches. Call ahead to ensure availability.

Other services