Young Voices Magazine

Our magazine of teen writing and visual art

YCopies of Young Voices magazine fanned out

Get published

Young Voices Magazine is full of writing and art created and selected by Toronto teens. We’d love to see what you’ve been creating! We accept submissions year-round and the deadline for the next issue is March 24, 2025.

  • Why send us your work?

    “I was able to connect through their writing with a lot of youth in the same city as I was in such a personal way, and I just thought it was so amazing that the magazine was able to do that.” ? Sundari, contributor

  • A digital artwork of a girl with pink hair wearing a white tank top. She is reaching for a pink vintage phone. The phone has a single eye that is gazing up towards the girl.

    Read the magazine

    Explore art and writing by talented creators offering their take on everything from stress and music to love and gender identity in our latest issue of Young Voices Magazine.

    Pick up a copy at your local library or read it online.

    Read now

Read our past issues

The Young Voices program is generously supported by the Friends of Toronto Public Library, South Chapter.