
Holidays and Observances in May

National days to celebrate this month

May Calendar

The Spruce / Margot Cavin?

The month of May has more to offer than Mother's Day and Memorial Day. It has plenty of fun and curious days to celebrate, many including the joys of food. The holidays in May focus on numerous special interests and there's bound to be a few that will appeal to just about anyone in your family. And, don't forget about all the amazing things to do on May 31st because May doesn't end on Memorial Day after all.

Here are the national holidays and special observances to enjoy in May .

Fun Fact

In any given year, common or leap year, no?month?ever begins or ends on the same day of the week as?May?does.

Daily Holidays and Observances

  • May?1: May Day, National Mother Goose Day, Law Day, World Laughter Day* (first Sunday), National Lemonade Day
  • May?2: ?National Brothers and Sisters Day, Baby Day, National Truffle Day, International Harry Potter Day
  • May?3: ?Teacher Appreciation Day* (Tuesday of first full week), Sun Day, Childhood Depression Awareness Day* (first Tuesday), National Concert Day* (first Tuesday), Foster Care Day* (first Tuesday), Wordsmith Day, World Press Freedom Day
  • May?4: ?Intergalactic Star Wars Day, National Weather Observers Day, Anti-Bullying Day, Bird Day, International Firefighter's Day, National Orange Juice Day, National Kids Fitness Day, National Skilled Trades Day, National Bike to School Day
  • May?5: ?Museum Lovers Day, Cartoonist Day, National Day of Reason* (first Thursday), Make a Book Day, Cinco de Mayo, Hand Hygiene Day, National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day, National Day of Prayer* (first Thursday), Hoagie Day
  • May?6: ?No Homework Day,?International Space Day* (first Friday),?Tuba Day (first Friday), International No Diet Day
  • May 7: ?National Babysitters Day, National Fitness Day, Astronomy Day*, Bladder Cancer Awareness Day* (first Saturday), Learn to Ride a Bike Day* (first Saturday), National Cosmopolitan Day
  • May?8: ?Mother's Day* (second Sunday), VE Day (Victory in Europe Day), World Red Cross Day, World Ovarian Cancer Day, National Give Someone a Cupcake Day, National Empanada Day, National Coconut Cream Pie Day, Iris Day
  • May?9: ?National Women's Check-up Day, Peter Pan Day, National Foodies Day, World Melanoma Day, National Cycling Day
  • May 10: ?Clean Up Your Room Day, National Shrimp Day, National Small Business Day, World Lupus Day, Trust Your Intuition Day, Stay Up All Night Night
  • May 11: ?National Eat What You Want Day, National Receptionists Day, National School Nurse Day, National Night Shift Workers Day* (second Wednesday)
  • May 12: ?National Limerick Day, National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, International Nurses Day, National Hospital Day, National Nutty Fudge Day
  • May 13: ?National Frog Jumping Day, Tulip Day, Blame Someone Else Day* (first Friday 13th of the year), Friday the 13th, National Apple Pie Day, National Fruit Cocktail Day, National Hummus Day
  • May 14: ?World Migratory Bird Day, Stars and Stripes Forever Day, Windmill Day* (second Saturday), Letter Carrier's Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Day* (second Saturday), National Miniature Gold Day* (second Saturday), National Buttermilk Biscuit Day, National Train Day, American Indian Day* (second Saturday)
  • May 15: ?International Day of Families, Bring Flowers to Someone Day, Stepmother's Day* (Sunday after Mother's Day), World Baking Day* (third Sunday), Chocolate Chip Day
  • May 16: ?National Biographer's Day, International Pickle Day, Love a Tree Day, Nickel Day, Wear Purple for Peace Day
  • May 17: ?Dinosaur Day, National Cherry Cobbler Day, National Walnut Day, Pinot Grigio Day, World Hypertension Day, World Telecommunications Day
  • May 18: ?International Museum Day, National Cheese Souffle Day, National No Dirty Dishes Day, National Visit Your Relatives Day, National Employee Health and Fitness Day* (third Wednesday), Emergency Medical Services Day* (third Wednesday)
  • May 19: International Hummus Day, National Devil's Food Cake Day, Plant Something Day, Brown Bag It Thursday* (third Thursday), Hepatitis Testing Day, World IBD Day
  • May 20: ?Endangered Species Day* (third Friday), Flower Day, National Be a Millionaire Day, National Bike to Work Day* (third Friday), National Pizza Party Day* (third Friday), National Quiche Lorraine Day, National Rescue Dog Day, Pick Strawberries Day
  • May 21: ?Armed Forces Day* (third Saturday), World Bee Day, National Memo Day
  • May 22: ?National Maritime Day, National Buy a Musical Instrument Day, National Solitaire Day, National Vanilla Pudding Day, Sherlock Holmes Day, World Goth Day
  • May 23:? World Turtle Day, Lucky Penny Day, National Taffy Day
  • May 24: ?National Scavenger Hunt Day, Asparagus Day, Brother's Day, World Schizophrenia Awareness Day, National Escargot Day
  • May 25: ?Geek Pride Day, African Liberation Day, National Brown-Bag-It Day, National Missing Children's Day, National Senior Health & Fitness Day* (last Wednesday), National Tap Dance Day, National Wine Day, World Otter Day* (last Wednesday)
  • May 26: Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day* (Thursday of Memorial Day week), National Blueberry Cheesecake Day, National Cherry Dessert Day, World Red Head Day
  • May 27: Carb Day, Don't Fry Day* (Friday before Memorial Day), Heat Safety Awareness Day* (fourth Friday), National Road trip Day* (Friday before Memorial Day), Nothing to Fear Day, Sunscreen Protection Day, National Grape Popsicle Day
  • May 28: International Hamburger Day, International Jazz Day* (Saturday before Memorial Day), National Brisket day, Amnesty International Day, Whooping Crane Day
  • May 29: Learn About Composting Day, Neighbor Day* (Sunday before Memorial Day), Pink Flamingo Day, Paper Clip Day, World Digestive Health Day
  • May 30: ?Memorial Day* (last Monday), Water a Flower Day
  • May 31: National Meditation Day, National Macaroon Day, National Smile Day, World Parrot Day, National Autonomous Vehicle Day, National Save Your Hearing Day, World No-Tobacco Day, National Speak in Complete Sentences Day

Weekly Holidays and Observances

  • Children's Mental Health Week?(first full week)
  • Teacher Appreciation Week (first full week, Monday through Friday)
  • National Wildflower Week (May 1-7)
  • National Pet Week (May 1-7)
  • National Nurses Week (May 6-12)
  • Children's Book Week (May 2-8)
  • Screen Free Week (May 2-8)
  • National Women's Health Week (May 8-14)
  • Brain Injury Awareness Week (May 11-17)
  • Reading is Fun Week (second full week)
  • National EMS Week (May 15-21)
  • National Safe Sun Week (May 23-29)
  • National Backyard Games Week (week before Memorial Day)

Monthly Holidays and Observances

  • ALS Awareness Month
  • Asian American Month
  • Creative Beginnings Month
  • Foster Care Month
  • Latino Books Month
  • Lupus Awareness Month
  • National Barbeque Month
  • National Bike Month
  • National Hamburger Month
  • National Inventors Month
  • National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
  • National Mental Health Month
  • National Military Appreciation Month
  • National Pet Month
  • National Photo Month
  • National Salad Month
  • National Wild Fire Awareness Month
  • Young Achievers of Tomorrow Month

*Denotes that date changes each year.