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Imran Khan | The Guardian Skip to main content Skip to navigation

Imran Khan

Imran Khan is the chief executive of the British Science Association , a charity that aims to make science a fundamental part of British society and culture.

July 2016

  • Cambridge University students at the Trinity May Ball on 13 June.

    Scientists fighting Brexit risk looking like an out of touch elite too

    Imran Khan
    We have failed to engage enough with public and done little to address the under-representation of working-class researchers

December 2015

  • At the launch of the British Science Association's new collection of essays

    Political science
    Science: Not just for scientists

    Imran Khan
    In a landmark essay to mark the relaunch of the British Science Association, Chief Executive Imran Khan argues that science is too important to be left to scientists alone

December 2014

  • Antibiotic capsules (amoxicillin 500mg) spilling out of a plastic container

    Notes & Theories
    Antibiotic resistance: sometimes knowledge is not enough

    Imran Khan
    Imran Khan: A survey has revealed that the people who know most about antibiotic resistance are the most likely to do two things that make the problem even worse

October 2012

  • Brian Cox

    How?the 4G windfall could help Britain recover its cutting edge

    Imran Khan
    Imran Khan: The estimated £4bn the government will get from the auction is a return on past spending on innovation ? continued funding is crucial

June 2012

  • Peers at the state opening of parliament

    Expertise should be at the heart of House of Lords reform

    Imran Khan and Beck Smith

    Imran Khan and Beck Smith: As it stands, Lords reform would almost certainly do away with most of the scientists and doctors in the upper chamber

February 2012

  • Budget box

    Notes & Theories
    Taxpayers deserve value for money from research funding

    Imran Khan and Stephen Curry: There's no question of abandoning blue-skies research, but there needs to be a balance between basic and applied work

December 2011

  • London Metropolitan University Super Lab

    Invest the 4G auction windfall in British science and technology

    Imran Khan
    Imran Khan: We are still a world leader when it comes to scientific discovery. Let's use the 4G proceeds to get the knowledge economy going

September 2011

  • Science

    The?versatility of science graduates should be celebrated not criticised

    Imran Khan

    Imran Khan: What's the problem if science graduates end up in alternative careers? If anything, we need more of it

November 2010

  • David Cameron and Theresa May visit Heathrow

    Notes & Theories
    Why?placing an immigration cap on talent will be bad for UK science

    We must welcome the best scientists and engineers from around the world into the UK, says Imran Khan, but the points-based system and cap discriminate against them

September 2010

  • ed miliband

    Political science
    Ed?Miliband's science challenge

  • Ed Miliband (left) and David Miliband

    Political science
    Labour leadership candidates leave scientists in the dark

June 2010

  • Response
    Science's success is society's gain. We are not motivated by money

    Imran Khan
    Response: It is ludicrous to compare us to a religion. We base our arguments on evidence, not faith, says Imran Khan

September 2008

  • Cern scientists look at computer screens during LHC switch-on

    Notes & Theories
    The?apocalypse has been postponed. We apologise for any inconvenience

    CERN's Large Hadron Collider is out of action until next year. What will physics junkies and apocalyptic prophets talk about until then?

  • Obama and McCain at Service Nation Summit

    Notes & Theories
    McCain and Obama take science test

    McCain and Obama have now both answered the key questions put to them by America's scientists. Who gets top marks?

  • Wine drinking

    Notes & Theories
    Spit parties: Genetic testing becomes a social activity

    A company is glamorising genetic testing by taking spit samples at high-society parties. But instead of promoting healthier lifestyles, the results could create needless anxiety