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Parties in pre-election battle to sign up stars | General election 2010 | The Guardian Skip to main content Skip to navigation Skip to navigation

Parties in pre-election battle to sign up stars

This article is more than 14 years old
Labour has JK Rowling and David Tennant, the Lib Dems boast Colin Firth and Razorlight, while the Tories hope to bag Kirstie Allsopp. Michael Winner, meanwhile, says it's all a waste of time

Opening night is still a matter of months away, but Britain's leading political ­parties are auditioning performers and artists in order to put on the best show for the general election.

A flurry of drinks functions and ­supper parties in London this month has marked the opening round of the contest to sign up the brightest British talent.

While the Lib Dems may have bagged Coldplay's Chris Martin, Colin Firth, Kate Winslet, Andrew Motion, Razorlight, the Kooks and Brian Eno, and while Labour wins the youth vote with both JK Rowling and David Tennant, the former Doctor Who star, the Tories have been slower off the mark, with potential claims so far to the television personalities Kirstie Allsopp , Carol Vorderman and Trevor McDonald.

The party that leads the polls claims that it is playing a deliberately measured game, targeting sections of the creative community at separate events. At the beginning of this month, the Tories hosted an arts event at the auction house Bonhams and their next soiree is timed to coincide with London Fashion Week. They also put on an event for advertising industry mover and shakers.

It is a high-risk strategy. Stars invited to a campaigning party often attend in the hope of spotting other celebrities.

New Labour was damaged by the satirical fallout of its celebrity parties in 1997, when Noel Gallagher from Oasis and Lenny Henry lined up to be counted in Downing Street, but the government is anxious not to be left standing in the wings.

"It is particularly important for the Labour party because the Conservatives have such funds," said author and Labour supporter Kathy Lette. "They may have the coffers, but we have the charisma and the comedians."

This year, competition for the support of the right people is thought to be more intense for three reasons. First, the MPs' expenses scandal has made popular stars reluctant to associate themselves with parliamentary politics. Second, arts policy is now recognised by politicians as key to both PR and to the country's creative economy. And third, many formerly Labour-leaning "luvvies" have become alienated from the New Labour project, often because of the war in Iraq.

"People are suffering from chronic scept-icaemia," said Lette. "But if Emily Davison went to the trouble to chain ­herself to the railings, voting is the least we can do."

Lette was among several prominent women to attend a Labour fundraising dinner before Christmas. Also present were Jo Brand, Tracey Ullman, Dawn French and Arabella Weir. "We were like a human Wonderbra," said Lette. "Uplifting, supportive and helping to make the party look bigger and better."

BritArt stars, as well as comedians, are central to a New Labour supporters' campaign, launched this weekend. Sculptor Antony Gormley and artists Jeremy Deller, Mark Wallinger, Richard Wentworth and Bob and Roberta Smith are among leading names to create posters for the "Make Your Mark" drive. The anarchic series of posters, which will go up on a website, are to be auctioned for the Labour party next month.

Each effort to forge links with famous faces is being led by a team of well-connected strategists. While David Cameron has Peter Czernin, a wealthy 37-year-old film producer, and Gordon Brown can call on his wife's public relations contacts, Liberal Democrat celebrities are being marshalled by Jane Bonham Carter, a cousin of the actress Helena Bonham Carter, who helped organise a crowded event at the House of Commons a fortnight ago. Among the guests were Brian May, of Queen, artist Grayson Perry, actress Sally Phillips, comedians David Baddiel, Ronni Ancona and Rory Bremner and, surprisingly, the cult documentary-maker Molly Dineen, a former director of a party political broadcast for Tony Blair.

The Tories will have to move quickly to secure some potent names. But they are not the only parliamentary party to have alienated its old guard.

"In the days of Margaret Thatcher, I was very happy to appear on a platform with her," said film director Michael Winner. "But these days you have got the choice between two nincompoops. And then there is Nick Clegg, who is a nice fellow, but there is no point in him, really."

Winner also doubts that celebrity endorsements have much impact. Although the support of Tennant, who appeared in a Labour party political broadcast in 2005, remains a coup for the government, the veteran film director is not convinced even The Doctor has enough persuasive power "to sell a party to voters".

"We just don't have stars of that level," said Winner. "I am not sure even someone like David Tennant is widely enough known. If you went out on the street, quite a lot of people would not be sure who he is. I have been voting for 55 years and this time I think I will probably wait until the last minute and then vote simply to keep one or other of them out."

Political websites are full of bold claims, with some celebrities claimed by several parties. There was excitement, for instance, when Eddie Izzard announced he was really "a radical Liberal", but there is no clear evidence that the Labour supporter has swapped sides.

"I would be a liberal," he said, "but the image of a liberal is sort of ? because left and right have been in power for a long time in Britain, the image of a liberal is one of, 'Oh… I'm not sure, and you're…? Oh, really? And you…? Oh, really? I'm on the fence here…'."

Previously, the Lib Dems have proudly claimed Germaine Greer, Richard Dawkins, Sandi Toksvig and John Cleese, and some have hopes of "bagging" Michael Palin.

Stephen Fry is a jealously guarded Labour prize, coveted by the Lib Dems. Fry, an active supporter of the Labour party for many years, appeared in a party political broadcast with Hugh Laurie and Michelle Collins in November 1993, but he did not vote in 2005 because of Labour's stance on the Iraq war. He has praised the social policy of the current government, but been critical of the "third way". There may still be all to play for.

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