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Tales of the unexpected

Tales of the unexpected

Each week, we bring you travel stories that enriched the lives of the famous. Now, we invite you to tell us your own extraordinary travel tales. The best will be published and its writer will win a luxury trip to Geneva. Today, songwriter Mike Batt tells Kate Maraston of a memorable sailing trip.

Mike Batt

In 1979, I was in a very successful part of my life. Bright Eyes had been No 1 for six weeks but there was something missing. In 1980, I decided I'd like to go away. It wasn't a matter of a luxurious holiday, just wanting to break the mould.

Mike Batt

I wanted an adventure. I thought I might drive to India in a Winnebago but couldn't find one big enough to put a piano in. On the way back from the Winnebago shop I stopped at a newsagents and picked up Yachting Monthly. I don't know why, I never liked sailing. But I saw this 128ft yacht and though: 'Never mind a Winnebago, I'll have one of these.'

I was just about to sign another record deal, so I thought: 'If I use my record deal money to buy a boat I could go off to sea.' I bought the boat - called Braemar - in Monaco. We had a crew of seven and sailed the Mediterranean but the boat was in a hell of a state. The galley caught fire off St Tropez, so we put it in dry dock for a year and completely refitted it.

I built a music studio in the back, the piano I attached by chains to the bulkhead and to the floor, so if there was a storm and I was playing I wouldn't fall off the seat.

My first wife and I took the children, who were nine and six, out of school. My wife was a teacher and I taught them French and music. When the younger one got back she moved up a class and went on to Oxford, so we did okay. Getting a geography lesson on the Panama Canal is the best place to do it.

I was working in Holland and I got picked up there and we went down to France. We got stuck in the Bay of Biscay in a huge Force Nine, which was quite frightening. We decided to turn back to Brest and the harbour pilot came aboard and supervised the removal of our ship over the side of the harbour but, in so doing, misjudged the wind and smashed us right into the side of a Greek refrigeration ship. There was a huge gash in its side and chickens falling everywhere.

I got arrested, being the owner of the boat, and told that unless I put £50,000 into the port we couldn't carry on. We waited two weeks and eventually I put the money down and we sailed off to Antigua.

It certainly was an adventure. It was like a caricature of real life because all the good things were better and all the bad things were worse. Losing your steering and generator off the coast of Guatemala is bad but it's great when you're coming out of Acapulco and 150 dolphins are following the boat doing acrobatics.

It took two-and-a-half years to go round the world and we'd stay roughly three months in each place. It was always going to be temporary. It wasn't a sabbatical, which implies you don't do any work, neither was it a holiday. It was just an existence and I think it enriched everybody's life.

I made two albums while away - one in Montserrat where we ran into the McCartneys and they came aboard for dinner. The second was in Sydney, where I also made a TV show.

The good news was I achieved what I wanted to. The bad news was all my peers had moved on. Because I've always been competitive, when I got back I felt like I had some catching up to do. So almost by accident I had three hits in a row: Please Don't Fall in Love by Cliff Richard, A Winter's Tale by David Essex and I Feel Like Buddy Holly by Alvin Stardust.

The only regret is, I was into film-score writing and I was offered all sorts of deals that I had to turn down and when I got back I found my name was no longer on the list.

Our former deck hand rang me up the other day and said: 'I've seen Braemar, it's called something else now and it's up for sale in Greece. Let's buy it.' I said: 'You buy it and I'll be the deck hand.'

  • Mike Batt's latest singing discovery is Katie Melua. Her debut album, Call Off The Search, topped the charts.