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Unita signs peace treaty with Angolan army to end 27-year civil war

Unita signs peace treaty with Angolan army to end 27-year civil war

A CEASEFIRE intended to end one of Africa's bloodiest and longest-lasting civil wars was signed yesterday between the Angolan army and the rebels it has been fighting almost constantly for 27 years .

Angola's President Jose Eduardo dos Santos described it as an "historic event", raising hopes of long-term peace in his country for the first time since it won independence from Portugal in 1975.

He said: "The war is over and peace has come back for good."

The chief-of-staff of the rebel movement, Unita, General Abreu Muengo Ukwachitembo said: "Peace has a price but it is a lesser price than the price of war."

About 4,000 people, including diplomats from nations across southern Africa and representatives of the United Nations and America, watched the Angolan armed forces chief-of-staff, Gen Armando da Cruz Neto, and Gen Ukwachitembo sign the peace treaty in Luanda.

For many of the Unita bushfighters, it was the first time in years that they had set foot in the capital.

The end of the civil war, which has killed half a million people, displaced another four million and left vast swathes of country littered with mines, will be a mixed blessing for President dos Santos.

Without the spectre of war hanging over Angola, his government will come under pressure to alleviate poverty in what remains one of Africa's poorest nations in spite of billions of pounds it receives each year from Western oil companies.

The government has earned a reputation for corruption in recent years, with oil experts estimating that up to 40 per cent of the country's £3 billion annual income from oil disappears into secret bank accounts. BP disclosed last year that it had paid £70 million as a "signature fee" for a single block of offshore drilling rights.

World Bank and International Monetary Fund financial assistance for Angola to rebuild after the war will now depend largely on whether the president is seen to act against corruption.

Earlier ceasefires in the 1980s and 1990s failed but observers believe this one has the strongest chance of success if only because Unita has been fundamentally weakened by the death in February of Jonas Savimbi , its charismatic leader. Savimbi was killed in a well-planned military operation by the Angolan army that destroyed his headquarters, leading to the arrest of dozens of senior Unita officers.

There are persistent reports that the army caught up with Savimbi for the first time in 27 years because of Israeli military assistance. A recent covert agreement to allow Israeli diamond dealers to sell the produce of Angola's extensive diamond mines allegedly led to the arrival in Luanda of military advisers from the Israeli Defence Force.

The peace deal allows for the demobilisation of about 50,000 Unita fighters, some of whom will be given places in the Angolan army.

There is also an amnesty for crimes committed by combatants and an undertaking to hold elections at a date yet to be announced.

A joint military commission, including representatives from Russia, the United States and Portugal will now meet with members of the army and Unita to monitor the ceasefire.

The crucial question now is whether there are any Unita diehards who will refuse to accept the terms of the treaty and continue their bish struggle.