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Did we really witness the 'amazing power' of acupuncture?

Did we really witness the 'amazing power' of acupuncture?

A woman having accupuncture
Many studies have shown that acupuncture is nothing more than a placebo

A BBC series on unorthodox therapies was devoid of scepticism and rigour, says Simon Singh

Scotland's Herald television reviewer, Ian Bell, was stunned when he saw "a 21-year-old Shanghai factory worker undergoing open-heart surgery with only the needles to control her pain". It seemed to be one of the most amazing bits of television this year, but did he really witness the amazing power of acupuncture or was he, like the rest of us, misled?

The three-part BBC series Alternative Medicine, presented by Kathy Sykes, was supposed to be a rigorous scientific examination of the claims of alternative therapies. Although the second programme was indeed a rational look at the placebo effect, the other two episodes were little more than rose-tinted ads for the alternative medicine industry.

For example, the scene showing a patient punctured with needles and undergoing heart surgery left viewers with the strong impression that acupuncture was providing immense pain relief. In fact, in addition to acupuncture, the patient had a combination of three very powerful sedatives (midazolam, droperidol, fentanyl) and large volumes of local anaesthetic injected into the chest.

With such a cocktail of chemicals, the needles were merely cosmetic. In short, this memorable bit of television was emotionally powerful, but scientifically meaningless in building a case for acupuncture. I have spoken to several experts who say that the procedure was neither shocking nor impressive, but it was unconventional because the Chinese surgeons seemed to have used a higher level of local anaesthetic to compensate for the lack of general anaesthetic.

When I put this to Professor Sykes, she replied: "The suggestion that the operation could have taken place without the acupuncture and it would have been fine is an interesting idea and might possibly be the case."

Even though the television commentary was technically accurate, by omission and emphasis, viewers were left with a false impression. Everyone I have spoken to, including Ian Bell, believed they had witnessed acupuncture providing major pain relief, so they felt misled when I explained what was really going on.

Of course, recent scientific studies have hinted at tentative evidence that acupuncture might provide limited pain relief , but this is still far from proved and many other studies have shown that acupuncture is nothing more than a placebo. However, the programme makers seemed to have focused on whatever positive evidence was available and then added a dollop of impressively irrelevant heart surgery to cast acupuncture in the best light.

The final programme in the series was equally devoid of scepticism and rigour. Kathy Sykes gave the impression that scientists hated herbs and that there was untapped wisdom in the natural world. In fact, scientists readily admit and welcome the fact that nature has a rich pharmacy, such as aspirin from willow, digitalis from foxglove and penicillin from mould. So the challenge for scientists is to find what works, how it works and is it safe.

Unfortunately, the truth is that the bulk of herbal remedies, like the majority of acupuncture remedies, are unproved or have been shown to have no significant effect beyond placebo.

The BBC has a great reputation for science and I have huge respect for Kathy Sykes, so what went wrong? Professor Sykes has a background in physics, so maybe she was not the best person to present a series about medicine. And perhaps the BBC was influenced by its partner, the Open University, which was promoting its course on alternative medicine alongside the series.

The OU is the only well-established university running such a course, which troubles Professor David Colquhoun of University College London. "The OU's first vice-chancellor, Walter Perry, who had been professor of pharmacology in Edinburgh, must be turning in his grave over the new course," he says. "The description sounds harmless enough ['This course provides an accessible, but rigorous introduction to complementary and alternative approaches to health'], but just how rigorous is it? The tutors are mostly true believers, some of whom seem to make their living from alternative medicine."

Why does any of this matter? The NHS will always have a limited budget and as individuals we have to make decisions about how we spend our money to improve the health of ourselves and our families. This series clearly waved the flag for acupuncture, herbal remedies and alternative medicine in general, building on the general media sympathy for such therapies.

Nevertheless, the truth is that the vast majority of claims in the alternative medicine industry are uncertain, untested or have been shown to be ineffective. In the worst cases, alternative medicine can have side effects or delay patients with serious illnesses from using proved scientific treatments.

This series purported to be scientific and had the chance to set the record straight, but instead it chickened out of confronting the widespread failure of alternative medicine.

  • Simon Singh is a bestselling science author and broadcaster