Naomi Klein is a public intellectual, journalist and activist.

Why you should listen

In her first book,? No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies , ?Naomi Klein made a strong case against the takeover of public life by global corporations and brands. She ended that pre-internet essay suggesting as a counterpoint that everyone could become their own "personal brand." In her most recent book,? No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need , she analyzes how social media has made the idea of personal branding commonplace -- and how it helped Donald Trump become the first brand-president.

Klein's other books? The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism ?and? This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate ?have also energized the global conversation. Klein is a board member of climate-action group and one of the organizers of Canada’s Leap Manifesto, and in 2015 she helped launch Pope Francis’s historic encyclical on ecology. In 2016, she received the Sydney Peace Prize for "inspiring us to stand up locally, nationally and internationally to demand a new agenda for sharing the planet that respects human rights and equality."

Naomi Klein’s TED talks

More news and ideas from Naomi Klein


Future visions: The talks of TEDGlobalNYC

September 21, 2017

The advance toward a more connected, united, compassionate world is in peril. Some voices are demanding a retreat, back to a world where insular nations battle for their own interests. But most of the big problems we face are collective in nature and global in scope. What can we do, together, about it? In a […]

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