Bitchute, a British version of  Youtube, is now  banned  from tweeting. The social media platform, Twitter, started banning tweets after  introducing the new labels for accounts and tweets tied to government officials and "state-affiliated media."

Twitter bans Bitchute's tweets

If you've been looking for a Youtube alternative, you might be familiar with the website called Bitchute. On Friday, Aug. 7, Bitchute's official Twitter account told its followers that Twitter has been blocking every tweet and retweet of the said website.Bitchute even called out their users to tweet their videos, and shockingly, gets banned every time the users try to post on Bitchute's image.


What is Bitchute?

Bitchute, as per described by the  website , is a peer-to-peer content sharing platform. The Independent UK lately  reported  that this website has been a major source of conspiracy videos, neo-nazi contents, and even propagandists platform that promotes 'hate and terror' to its viewers.

Hope Not Hate organization condemned the platform calling it the "YouTube where you can get away with posting violent, Nazi, and dangerous content."

Of course, it was not enlisted on Bitchute's biography. So far, the platform only advised that users can post anything they can, as long as the videos follow the policy guidelines. 

As we look at the policy guidelines, it said on the website that Bitchute is not allowing videos related to oppression, platform bias, mob rule, censorship, illegal content, and exploiting creators. 

However, Hope Not Hate author Gregory Davis, said otherwise. 

"The videos are predominantly far-right, racist, and homophobic ... if you look on its trending list on any given day, you will see what people go there to watch."

Twitter labels state-controlled media tweets

As of now, Twitter has not yet released a statement regading the issue. However, this action may be connected with the recent purging. 

On Thursday, Aug. 6, Twitter  announced  labeling all state-controlled media tweets to find control over every account responsibility for spreading the news. 

ALSO READ: Viral Video of 'False' COVID-19 Claims Removed on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Jamie Pancho

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