At the end of a third day of counting in the Seanad elections, three panels have been completed, with 33 Senators elected.?

The third vocational panel, the Labour panel, saw six Senators re-elected - Fine Gael's Jerry Buttimer and Joe O’Reilly, Fianna Fail’s Robbie Gallagher and Ned O’Sullivan, Sinn Fein’s Paul Gavan, and Independent Gerard Craughwell.? ?

The other five places went to two former Fianna Fail TDs who had lost their Dail seats in the general election in Pat Casey and Shane Cassells, as well as three councillors; Fine Gael’s John Cummins from Waterford, the Green Party’s Pauline O’Reilly from Galway and Dublin-based Labour councillor Marie Sherlock.??

Just missing out on the last count was Eileen Flynn, a member of the Travelling community, who was nominated by People Before Profit TDs and Independent TD?Thomas Pringle.?

All six Senators on the university panels retained their seats.

On the NUI Panel is Ronan Mullen who topped the poll, Michael McDowell,?and Alice-Mary Higgins.?The three retaining their seats meant former Solidarity TD Ruth Coppinger ? who lost her seat in the general election ? missed out on a Seanad seat.

Staying on the Trinity Panel were David Norris, Labour’s Ivana Bacik,?and Lynn Ruane.?Former Rugby international Hugo McNeill failed in his bid to win a Seanad seat.?

Tomorrow, counting will continue to fill the remaining 16 seats on the Industrial and Commercial panel (nine seats) and the Administrative panel (seven seats).?

Agricultural Panel (11 seats)

Today, the 11 seats on the Agriculture Panel were filled with former Sinn Fein MEP Lynn Boylan and outgoing Green Party Senator Pippa Hackett picking up seats.

Labour Councillor Annie Hoey, who stood in the general election, also won a seat on the agriculture panel.

Current Fine Gael Senators Tim Lombard and Paddy Burke also retained their seats.

Joining them is Fianna Fail's Eugene Murphy who lost his Dail seat in the general election.

Outgoing Cathaoirleach of the Seanad, Fianna Fail's Denis O'Donovan, was next to take a seat.

The third seat was taken by Fianna Fail Senator Paul Daly and the fourth by former Fianna Fail TD Niall Blaney.

Fine Gael's Michael D'Arcy, who lost his Dail seat in the general election, was elected

Fine Gael's Michael D'Arcy, the outgoing Minister of State with responsibility for Insurance, was elected. He lost out in the Wexford constituency in general election.

Yesterday, Independent Senator Victor Boyhan was re-elected, after he topped the poll with 89,000 votes, getting elected on the sixth count.

Labour Panel (11 seats)

Counting for the Labour Panel is also under way with Fine Gael's Jerry Buttimer elected on the first count with 105,000 votes, while Waterford Fine Gael councillor John Cummins took the second seat.

Fianna Fail's Robbie Gallagher has also been elected.

Joe O'Reilly retains his Seanad seat and was the fourth to be elected to the Labour panel. This will be the Fine Gael Senator's fifth term.

Shane Cassells, a Fianna Fail candidate who lost his Dail seat in the general election, was the fifth Senator elected to the Labour panel.

His party colleague Ned O'Sullivan retained his seat, as did Pat Casey and Independent Senator Gerard Craughwell.

Sinn Fein's Paul Gavan, the Green Party's Pauline O'Reilly?and Labour's Marie Sherlock were all elected on the 17th and final count.

NUI Panel (3 seats)

At the RDS, where the NUI colleges count was held, Independents Ronan Mullen, Michael McDowell and Alice-Mary Higgins all retained their seats

There were 112 surplus votes distributed from Mr Mullen, who was elected on the first count?and the quota was?9,530.

Mr McDowell was re-elected on the?tenth count, with 9,532 votes.

Ms Higgins was deemed elected on the 16th count.

Independent Ronan Mullen was re-elected on the first count

Trinity Panel (3 seats)

On the Trinity Panel, David Norris was elected on the 4th count.?

He gained 3,768 votes. This will be Senator Norris's ninth term in the Seanad.

Labour's Ivana Bacik was returned to the Upper House after reaching 3,963 votes on the sixth count.?

Outgoing Independent Senator Lynn Ruane took the final seat on the 8th count.

Cultural & Educational Panel (5 seats)

Yesterday, all five seats were filled on the Cultural and Educational panel with Fine Gael's Sean Kyne and John McGahon, Fianna Fail's Malcolm Byrne and Lisa Chambers, and Sinn Fein's Fintan Warfield all taking seats.

Former Fianna Fail TD Margaret Murphy O'Connor, who lost her Dail seat in the general election, failed to get elected to the Seanad.

Additional reporting Aisling Kenny