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By Richard Trionfo on 2017-11-19 22:45:00

Welcome to’s coverage of WWE’s Survivor Series, the one night of the year when Raw and Smackdown Superstars face each other in the ring.  Tonight’s pay per view comes to you from Houston, Texas.

Make sure to check out all of the coverage on the site.  In addition to the live coverage, make sure to check out the audios previewing and recapping the pay per view and the blogs.

Your host for the Kickoff Show is Renee Young and she is joined by Jerry Lawler, Shawn Michaels, and Peter Rosenberg.

Shawn says if you want unadulterated unscripted fun, then this is the show to watch.

Renee asks about the build for tonight's PPV.  Peter says that he is looking at the Men's Elimination Match and he talks about the people in the early matches with the level of talent in the match.  Shawn talks about being on Ultimate Warrior's team and Steve Austin's team in the past.

They run through the card for tonight's PPV.

Renee wants to talk about the champion versus champion matches.  Shawn talks about facing Bret Hart when both were champions.  That was their first time stepping into the big time.  You hope for that day, but when that day comes, you realize it is there.

Renee mentions the tension between the brands since the attacks took place over the last few weeks.

We have a video package for the New Day versus Shield match.

Renee mentions that this match has a Wrestlemania feel to it.  Renee asks about having your backs against the wall.  Shawn says it is always us against them.  He says winning is better than losing and you want to be on the winning team.  Shawn says on paper it is the Shield, but the New Day have matured.  They are not fun loving guys anymore, but there is an edge to them.  Shawn says he is looking forward to seeing how that comes out tonight.

Jerry talks about Roman's comment about sending New Day back to the B Show and that is all it is about.  Jerry says no one thinks they are on the B Show.  Renee says she hears those rumblings since she is on both shows.  Peter says that you think about unicorns with the New Day but they led the charge against Raw.  

Renee brings up how will The Shield deal with someone the size of Big E.

Shawn says that he has always been a Raw guy and the brand split is a big deal.  Jerry wonders what will Corey Graves do since he is on both shows.  Shawn says he loves the passion on both sides.  Jerry says that when he switched to Smackdown, he felt that Smackdown became the A Show when he went there.

Renee asks for predictions.  Shawn goes with the Shield.  Peter picks The Shield.  Jerry makes it unanimous.  Renee picks the Shield as well.

We go to Charly Caruso in the Social Media Lounge.  She mentions that her guest will be The Miz.

We go to Sam Roberts outside the arena.  

We have a video package for the attacks by the Smackdown and Raw brands.

Becky Lynch starts to talk about their team and Natalya stops by with a whistle.  She asks who is ready to see her dominate tonight.  Becky asks Natalya to work with the rest of the team.  Natalya tells Beck to have at it.  Becky reminds everyone the unique nature of Survivor Series.  Becky mentions the members of Team Raw.  Naomi points out they have former Champions.  Lana says Tamina will take care of Nia.  Carmella reminds them that Smackdown had the first Women's Money in the Bank match.

Peter says that Tamina and Nia Jax will be an interesting match up.  Jerry says it would be embarrassing for any of those women to be eliminated.  They want to save face by not losing to the other team or have to deal with their own team.  Peter mentions the members of the Raw team.  Shawn says it is hard enough when guys do it, but as his wife told him, it is harder for women to work together.

Renee brings up the people on Raw's team and they look like the stronger team on paper.  Peter brings up seeing Natalya and Asuka square off.

Renee asks for picks.  Peter goes with Raw.  Shawn is surprisingly picking Raw.  Shawn comments on the fact that this is a special night for head to head competition between the brands.  Jerry picks Smackdown and Renee agrees with Jerry.

We see footage from Tuesday when Charlotte Flair defeated Natalya to become the new Smackdown Women's Champion.

Alexa Bliss joins the panel.  She says it is not fair that she has to face Charlotte since she had been preparing for Natalya.  Peter asks if it was a touching moment that Charlotte won on Tuesday and Alexa does not share that sentiment.  Alexa says it is about her beating Charlotte.  Peter brings up that Charlotte is the other person to hold both women's title on the main roster, but Alexa says that Charlotte is the other.  Alexa says she is not worried about the size advantage that Charlotte has.  Shawn agrees that we don't have to talk about size advantages.  

Charlotte Flair is in the back and she says Alexa won't be running now.  She says she does not wake up and put on a costume and pretend to be a superhero.  She says she is the Iron Woman of the company.  She does not get sick and run when someone challenges her.  Charlotte says she is the Grand Slam Champion.  

Alexa understands Charlotte's legacy but she has the blood, sweat, and tears for this company.  She will prove that she is a worthy champion.  

Charlotte wants to know where Alexa was when there was a change in the women's division.  Charlotte says there was a queen before there was a goddess.

Alexa mentions that she has beaten three of the four and she will beat Charlotte.

Charlotte challenges Alexa to beat her.

Alexa is asked about Charlotte.  Alexa says Charlotte took her under her wing in NXT, but they are no longer in NXT.

Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Booker T are at the announce table for the first match of the night.

Elias is in the ring and he has his guitar.  

Elias asks who wants to walk with Elias.  He asks if you can feel the tension and animosity in the air.  You can wear your red or you blue, but you have to ask what would Elias do.  He would not come to Houston on his own, unless he had a song for all of you.  Elias wants silence so he can perform.

Match Number One :  Matt Hardy versus Elias

They lock up and Elias with a wrist lock but Matt with a side head lock into a hammer lock.  Matt with a side head lock take down.  Elias gets Matt up but Matt with a side head lock take down.  Matt with a boot to Elias followed by a side Russian leg sweep.  Matt goes to the ropes for an elbow to the back of the head and he gets a near fall.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Matt with a side head lock.  Matt with a punch and back elbow followed by a fist drop for a near fall.  Elias pulls at the arm and sends Matt face first into the ropes.  Elias punches Matt in the corner.  Elias slams the shoulder into the edge of the apron.  Elias kicks Matt in the shoulder and follows with a snap mare and arm bar.  Elias continues to work on the arm and then he drops a knee on the injured arm.

Elias with a hammer lock and he sends Matt into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall.  Elias with an arm bar.  Elias with a butterfly shoulder breaker for a near fall.  Matt goes to the apron and Elias follows.  Elias wraps the arm in the ropes.  Matt with a Side Effect on the apron.  Matt with punches to Elias and he sends Elias into the turnbuckles in the corner.  Matt says that Elias needs to be deleted and he hits a running clothesline into the corner and follows with a bulldog.  Matt with another Side Effect but he can only get a near fall.

Elias sends Matt into the corner but Matt with an elbow and boot.  Matt with an elbow drop for a near fall.  Matt with a kick and he tries for the Twist of Fate but Elias blocks it and he sends Matt into the turnbuckles.  Elias with Drift Away for the three count.

Winner:  Elias

Jerry says he feels bad for Matt since his brother is out with an injury and he loses tonight.  Shawn says that is a big win for Elias.  

We see Miz' most recent tweet about Baron Corbin and then we see Miz in the Social Media Lounge.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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