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Sorin Mois? ? POLITICO Skip to main content



European Parliament

Ask Canadian officials and ministers which EU figure was most important in getting the CETA trade deal finalized and some will tell you Moisa was more crucial?even than Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom. Moisa tailored arguments in favor of the deal to micro audiences, preparing reports that broke down to a national or sectoral level the benefits of CETA. Moisa was the free-trade rock in a fractured Socialist group.

Political group: Socialists &?Democrats (S&D)

Country: Romania

Position: Member of the International Trade Committee

Trajectory : Stable, same ranking as?2016

Age:? 41

Perspective: Progressive free-trader

Key interests: Keeping the majority of socialists on a free trade line, and his baby daughter  Maria Alexandra

Memorable fact: Came out on Facebook against his fellow socialists in the Romanian government in the early stages of massive street protests early February. Knows the Commission from his time as deputy chief of staff to Commissioner Daclan Ciolo?

Return to the full listing of the 40 MEPs who matter in 2017 ?or?read an explanation of what this ranking means .

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