Frontline Investigates

Concussion Watch

The hidden story of the NFL and brain injuries.

David T. Foster III/Charlotte Observer/TNS via Getty Images


A member of the Cincinnati Bengals walks through a tunnel before an NFL football game against the Baltimore Ravens, Sunday, Nov. 10, 2013, in Baltimore.

Concussion Watch

December 11, 2015
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NFL Acknowledges a Link Between Football, CTE
For the first time ever, the league has conceded that a link exists between football and the degenerative brain disease known as CTE.
March 15, 2016
What the NFL's New Concussion Numbers Don't Answer
NFL figures show that concussion diagnoses jumped by almost a third this season, but we still don't always know who's getting injured or why.
February 1, 2016
How Afraid Should the NFL be of Chris Borland?
NFL sensation Chris Borland was known as a fearless player, but after just one season he retired because he was afraid of head injuries. Now, Borland is known as the most dangerous man in football, a powerful voice in the NFL's concussion crisis.
December 21, 2015
Meet the Real Dr. Bennet Omalu
If Will Smith's character in the upcoming movie "Concussion" seems familiar, it might be because you've already met the real Dr. Bennet Omalu in FRONTLINE's "League of Denial."
December 15, 2015
Concussion Watch
How many NFL players are suffering concussions every season? How are teams handling their injuries? "Concussion Watch" tries to answer these questions by tracking every officially reported head injury in the NFL.
December 11, 2015
New: 87 Deceased NFL Players Test Positive for Brain Disease
Nearly four in five football players examined by one of the nation's leading brain banks tested positive for the disease now at the center of the debate over concussions in football.
September 18, 2015
Study of Former NFL Players Shows Risks for Brain from Youth Football
A new study is the first of its kind to show an association between early exposure to repetitive head impacts and structural brain changes later in life.
August 12, 2015
The NFL's Sydney Seau Problem
Junior Seau's daughter says the focus of her dad's induction into the NFL Hall of Fame this weekend should be on his time as a player, not brain disease. But the issue will be hard to ignore.
August 7, 2015
NFL Concussion Settlement Wins Final Approval from Judge
The ruling by a U.S. judge ends a legal battle that has threatened to undercut the nation's adoration for professional football and sparked a debate about whether the sport on any level is worth the risk to players.
April 22, 2015
Top NFL Rookie to Retire, Citing Concussion Risk
Chris Borland, a rookie linebacker for the San Francisco 49ers, said that while he's in good health now, he's concerned about his future.
March 18, 2015
Concussions in the NFL: How Worried are You?
For football fans everywhere, the NFL’s concussion crisis has raised uncomfortable questions about what it means to love a sport that’s been shown to cause lasting harm to its players.
January 29, 2015
Poll: Wealthy, College-Educated Less Likely to Want Kids to Play Football
A new poll reveals deep divides by money, education, gender, politics and age. How will it affect the pipeline of football players?
December 10, 2014