Students from West Philly High push their hand-crafted hybrid sports car on to a Michigan speedway as they compete to win a $10 million dollar prize.

Fast Times at West Philly High

July 17 and December 4, 2012 / 36m

Season 2012: Episode 15

Produced by:

Students and teachers from West Philadelphia High School, a public high school serving one of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods in Philadelphia, defy expectations as they design and build two super-hybrid cars for international competition and compete for the chance to be part of a technological revolution. In summer 2010, the high school’s EVX Team raced against mega-sized auto manufacturers, multimillion-dollar start-ups, and university teams from around the world in the Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE competition. The challenge: Build an affordable, 100 miles-per-gallon car. The prize: $10 million dollars. In Fast Times at West Philly High , FRONTLINE explores the viability of these cars, the potential that exists within our young people, and the prospects of effective innovation in public education.