Ocean sciences articles from across Nature Portfolio

Ocean sciences span the physics, chemistry, and biology of marine systems. The field encompasses ocean circulation, energy dissipation, marine biology, ecology, biogeochemical cycles, water mass formation and movement, ocean temperature and salinity, and marine carbon and carbonate chemistry.


  • A global survey using baited cameras on coral reefs demonstrates a near twofold increase in the relative abundance of reef sharks in marine protected areas that are also embedded within areas of effective fisheries management. However, such conservation benefits were not evident for wide-ranging sharks or rays found on the reef.

    • David M. P. Jacoby
    News & Views Nature Ecology & Evolution
    Volume: 8, P: 1066-1067

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News and Comment

  • A global survey using baited cameras on coral reefs demonstrates a near twofold increase in the relative abundance of reef sharks in marine protected areas that are also embedded within areas of effective fisheries management. However, such conservation benefits were not evident for wide-ranging sharks or rays found on the reef.

    • David M. P. Jacoby
    News & Views Nature Ecology & Evolution
    Volume: 8, P: 1066-1067
  • Excited by the prospect of future missions to the Jupiter system, Bruce Gibb explores the chemistry of Jupiter’s moons and wonders whether there could be life on Europa.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
    Comments & Opinion Nature Chemistry
    Volume: 16, P: 671-673
  • Oil and gas installations, offshore windfarms and other artificial constructions may enhance marine ecosystems and have been proposed to help meet conservation targets. A study synthesizes existing literature to reveal global patterns in their ecological effectiveness.

    • Andrew R. Gates
    • Daniel O. B. Jones
    News & Views Nature Sustainability
    Volume: 7, P: 383-384