Development studies articles from across Nature Portfolio

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  • The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza is unprecedented in terms of the share of the population experiencing acute food insecurity and famine and the speed of the onset of the crisis. Research can help understand and anticipate the long-term impacts of the conflict on people and livelihoods, design more effective humanitarian support systems and identify options for creating resilient post-conflict livelihoods.

    • Rob Vos
    • Ismahane Elouafi
    • Johan Swinnen
    Comments & Opinion Nature Food
    Volume: 5, P: 346-348
  • The terminology used in discussions on mental state attribution is extensive and lacks consistency. In the current paper, experts from various disciplines collaborate to introduce a shared set of concepts and make recommendations regarding future use.

    • Francois Quesque
    • Ian Apperly
    • Marcel Brass
    Comments & Opinion Open Access Communications Psychology
    Volume: 2, P: 29
  • Factors such as wealth might be expected to affect the transition to clean cooking, specifically the transition choices of uptake, primary use, and exclusive use of liquefied petroleum gas. Data from Ghana’s largest household energy survey show, however, that eleven out of thirteen factors considered do not have a significant or consistent role across these transition choices.

    News & Views Nature Energy
    Volume: 9, P: 371-372
  • An unfolding global polycrisis has accentuated the critique of contemporary urbanism, which has failed to be inclusive and developmental, especially in the Global South. A shift in trajectory will require a shift in our imaginaries, inclusionary processes and institutions.

    • Geci Karuri-Sebina
    Comments & Opinion Nature Cities
    Volume: 1, P: 177-178
  • George Town, the historic capital of Malaysia’s Penang state, is a renowned UNESCO World Heritage Site. That status, argues Khoo, is as much about ‘who’ as it is about ‘what’.

    • Suet Leng Khoo
    Comments & Opinion Nature Cities
    Volume: 1, P: 176