Some people will tell you that goals are overrated, but they're wrong.

Goals are fantastic for at least three reasons.

Firstly, they're enjoyable for their consequences. Goals win matches and winning matches is fun. Winning matches is the best way to win trophies, which is even better.

Secondly, they're pretty. Not all of them, sure, but a sizable subset. Goals are scored when everything clicks: they're what happens when things go to plan ? for one of the teams, anyway. It's nice when things go to plan.

Thirdly, they create circumstances in which we can gain insight into the personalities of those playing.

Footballers, at least at the highest level, can seem pretty far removed from those who watch them: we get snippets in interviews the like, but it's all heavily mediated. For the most part, we see what the clubs want us to see.

Lover, not a fighter: Bale's celebration tells you he's a gentle soul at heart (
Denis Doyle/Getty)

During a game, there's not much to go on either: those 22 people running around and getting sweaty are not exactly revealing the contents of their inner lives. We know they all want to win, but ten-yard sprints, passes and tackles don't exactly constitute a biography.

But when goals are scored? That's when we get a glimpse of human beings expressing themselves. A celebration can tell you so much about a player: whether (s)he's an egomaniac or a collective soul, whether (s)he's naturally aggressive or more gentle; whether (s)he cares as much as the fans or is happy to be picking up a paycheck.

That this stuff matters is fairly self-evident: see how many back pages include pictures of celebrations and witness the backlash over players refusing to commemorate goals against former clubs. From a sociological point of view, the celebration is a point of access into an otherwise obscure world.

Battle cry: Wayne Rooney usually celebrates in fairly aggressive fashion (
Reuters / Darren Staples)

Most players, of course, celebrate in a number of different ways over the course of a career. A last-minute winner is more likely to lead to scenes of wild joy than is a consolation goal. A long-range stunner may justify primal scream of joy, while a tap-in may not. Self-expression is usually tempered by circumstance.

But there are also footballers who eschew the improvisational approach, preferring instead to nail their colours to the mast once and for all. To celebrate these intrepid travellers, and because people love lists (No one more than us! *Sob*) we've ranked 30 of the best trademark celebrations out there (and certainly not the only 30 we could think of).


As ever, there's no overarching methodology here, but we started with one ground rule: one-off celebrations don't belong here. So there's no Roger Milla dance, no Bebeto baby swing, no Temuri Ketsbaia strop and no dentist's chair. Only routines that have been used by the same player at least twice make the grade.

Without further ado, then...

30. Kevin Nolan's chicken dance


Rock bottom by a fair old distance is this unforgivable effort, inspired by one of Nolan's friends. "It's called a 'quack'," he revealed back in 2010. "One of the lads actually dances like that on a Saturday night!" I'm never going out again.

29. Cristiano Ronaldo's leap and spread


Rumour has it that Ronaldo created a focus group of body language experts and semioticians in order to find the combination of movements that best conveyed the sentence, "I have a massive, massive ego". This is what they came up with.

28. The Daniel Sturridge dance


OMG Daniel Sturridge he's so quirky and he dresses so weird and OMG he's so much more interesting than other footballers and hahahaha look at him dance that's so funny and GET IN THE BIN.

27. Alan Shearer's raised arm


Laurent Robert dances past four men, reaches the byline and whips in a devilish cross that leaves the goalkeeper stranded. Shearer arrives on the scene, bundles the ball home from 5cm with his inner thigh, and wheels away with his finger pointing to the sky.

Robert goes over, hoping to join him in an embrace, but Shearer shrugs him off and keeps running. When the referee restarts play two minutes later, he's still going, doing laps of the corner flag while mumbling his personal mantra: "Me!"

26. Mesut Ozil's thumb-suck and M sign

David Price)

The Arsenal playmaker does this in honour of his niece, Mira. It's twee and a bit cloying, so obviously Arsenal fans love it.

25. Alexandre Pato's heart gesture


This started off so innocently, with Pato sending his love to childhood sweetheart Sthefany Brito back in Brazil. Then things got messy: the striker left her and started a relationship with Silvio Berlusconi's daughter, while cheeky chancer Angel Di Maria nabbed his trademark celebration.

To make matters worse, Gareth Bale then came along and trademarked the thing. The concept of love isn't your intellectual property, Gareth, you utter fiend.

Since copied by: Gareth Bale, Angel Di Maria

24. Andy Johnson's hand logo


I was just about to slag this off but did some cursory research and discovered this was done to promote a scheme to help young people find jobs. I want you to know that I've moved it up the list a bit because I'm a good human being.

See also: Titus Bramble (!), Marcus Bent, Micah Richards, Fitz Hall

23. Luis Suarez's three kisses


Yes he bit someone and yes he bit someone else and, fine, there was a third person he decided to bite. And there was that Patrice Evra stuff. But it's fine, because he loves his family and kisses the tattoos he got in their honour, so shut up.

22. The Peter Crouch robot

The best thing about Crouch is the knowingness. He's fully aware that he's a figure of whimsy and is more than willing to play up to that. This was silly and lovable, albeit in a British blokey kind of way.

21. The Gabriel Batistuta sharpshooter


The horrors of the modern world are such that there is something distasteful about players whipping out invisible guns to celebrate goals.

The implication, of course, is that they are sharpshooters, capable of downing opponents with their unerring accuracy. But some of those who have indulged in this routine (Andy van der Meyde springs to mind) would be bloody awful in the battlefield.

Only Batistuta, that most iconic of strikers, gets away with this.

See also: Edinson Cavani, Andy van der Meyde, Kostas Mitroglou, Gerard Deulofeu

20. Cristiano Ronaldo's creepy squeeze


Before the ego leap, Ronaldo was known for this weird little thing. Was he doing what people thought he was doing? Hopefully. Hopefully.

19. Emile Heskey's DJ moves


If Heskey was a DJ, you have to imagine he'd be a hapless one. The adorably bumbling style that defined the latter stages of his football career would not translate well to the decks. Emile, those beats don't match! Emile, your hand just knocked the power cable out! Emile, this is the theme tune to Postman Pat!

This was a fairly mediocre celebration, really, but the image I now have in my head (Emile Heskey's Wild Wednesdays, coming to a regional bar near you!) is an enjoyably whimsical one. And isn't that what matters?

18. Alberto Gilardino's violin


Gilardino's career has hardly been a concerto: he has been defined by stabbed staccato finishes rather than anything especially artful. So marks deducted on the internal consistency scale, but this is still cool.

17. Miroslav Klose's somersault


We'll come to more gymnastic efforts presently, but Klose warrants his own entry on this list. The German has never been the most elastic of strikers but used to laugh in the face of the laws of physics to do front flips after scoring.

Most of the time, he would barely manage to land on his feet and stagger away. Why did he do it? No idea, but it was punk as hell.

See also: Robert Earnshaw

16. Fabio Borini's knife bite


At first I thought Borini was channeling his inner pirate here, perhaps due to some unstated love of Jack Sparrow or Long John Silver. But the real explanation is a bit more prosaic. "In Italy, we say when one person wants something so much it is like he has a knife between his teeth, like a warrior who never gives up," he revealed a couple of years ago.

Shame, but it's still neat.

15. Tim Cahill's shadow boxing


Aww, maate! Timmy's scored again and he's doing that boxing thing in the corner! He's really goin' for it maate! Great stuff!

14. Julius Aghahowa's crazy flips

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There have been plenty of flippers in football, but none more explosive than Aghahowa. The Nigerian would string together six or seven flick-flacks without a second's thought and came to global attention at the 2002 World Cup.

This is a tiny bit too showy to break into the top ten, but it's certainly good to watch.

See also: Obafemi Martins, Nani, Tresor Lomana LuaLua

13. Robbie Keane's cartwheel routine

Bryn Lennon)

Look, not everyone has the explosiveness and flexibility required to do proper somersaults. It's just a fact of life. But you should never let your shortcomings dent your dreams, as Robbie Keane proved time and again.

The Irishman was obviously unable to compete with the real high-flyers of the celebration game but didn't let that put him off: he strung together two playground favourites ? the cartwheel and the humble forward-roll ? into his own low-wattage routine, chucking in a machine gun flourish for good measure. Big points for sheer effort.

12. The Francesco Totti thumb-suck

Laurence Griffiths)

It's Totti. I don't need to justify myself.

11. Giampaolo Pazzini's wild eyes


Italian players are good at this trademark celebration lark, aren't they? Pazzini is the fourth already and there are still three to come. Is it a historic thing? Maybe, in country whose teams used to be defined by their defensive nous, the attackers needed a little something extra up their sleeves to keep morale up.

Anyway, Pazzini. Some have claimed this to be an obscene gesture (I'll let your imagination do the work) but he says it's more of a "Did you see that?" gesture. Either way, it chimes nicely with his 'Madman' nickname.

10. Benjani's teacher point


Initially, I took this to be some impression of a teacher/preacher, which would have been great: the idea that all but the most haphazard of part-time footballers could have much to learn from one of the least authoritative strikers to ever enjoy a Premier League purple patch is a diverting one.

But the truth is fun, too. During his time at Portsmouth, Benjani explained that he was addressing the fans and "saying, 'I like you, and you and you!'" That personal touch should be treasured.

9. Facundo Sava's Zorro mask


You have to be a certain type of man to play every game with a Zorro mask in your sock. Sava was that type of man.

Sure, his hair looked like it was cut by a blind person. He had all the mobility of a wardrobe and only managed seven goals for Fulham. But he ensured his place in the Premier League pantheon with a celebration that was somehow both dashing and bumbling.

(As a point of order, this would would have been higher had he stuck with the original black mask rather than adopting the one with Fulham branding on it. Presumably he was asked to do so by some opportunistic club employee whose request should have been met with laughter.)

8. Fabrizio Ravanelli's shirt trick


This has become so iconic that it's easy to overlook the weirdness of it. Most celebrations make use of limbs and fingers. Some make use of unexpected props. But this is the only one we can remember that uses the football kit itself as a means of expression.

It's also a clever way of channelling some of the emotion of tearing your shirt off without getting booked. Not that the White Feather gave two hoots about that.

7. Raul's ring kiss


Understated, yet classy and remarkably consistent. Much like Raul himself, then.

6. Jurgen Klinsmann's swan dive


Just missing the top five, but a shoo-in for any supplementary Hearts and Minds award, Klinsmann did his bit for Anglo-German relations with this self-mocking flop on his Spurs debut, in the 4-3 win at Sheffield Wednesday.

He repeated it a week later against Everton, inspiring a generation of youngsters to misguidedly reproduce the celebration in school playgrounds across the land.

5. Mick Channon's arm windmill

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Could this be any more 70s? You can practically smell the peace, the love, the filth and the fallout.

No one would do this celebration now. No one.

4. The Spider-Man (Jonas Gutierrez)


He used to do this at Mallorca but it was still a thrill when the toil-happy midfielder brought his superhero sense of fun to these shores. He first whipped out the mask after scoring a screamer against Barnsley, before doing it again after a late winner against Blackburn.

The fans absolutely loved it, and understandably so: very few situations in life would not be improved by a grown man pretending to be a comic book character.

See also: Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang

3. Luca Toni's crazy hand


We've had madcap mime acts, minimalist gestures and acrobatic displays of which Olympic gymnasts would be proud. But the very best celebrations are those that chime perfectly with those performing them: to watch the routine is to gain a greater appreciation of the player. This is certainly the case with Toni, whose rotating-hand-at-ear shtick, usually accompanied by a wide grin and a flick of that wonderful hair, is every bit as goofy as the man himself.

This is a guy who often looks so top-heavy that he could topple over at the lightest gust of wind, spent the first part of his career looking a bit out of his depth, yet won the World Cup and is still going strong at 38. He wants you to know that he doesn't take himself too seriously, because life is too short. His celebration does just that. Turn the volume up!

2. The Sharpey Shuffle


While Toni paints himself as a lovable oaf, Sharpe was more keen on expressing his innate swagger. Before he became a reality show dolt, he was the talk of the terraces at Manchester United, who loved both his forward forays and his cheeky grin.

His goals were followed by a jaunty, hip-shaking, arm-waving movement that came to be known as the Sharpey Shuffle ? surely the only time a footballer has had his own signature dance. On occasion, he would even use the corner flag as a microphone stand. It was slightly cringe-worthy but deeply memorable, like the best karaoke night you ever attended.

1. The Little Aeroplane (Vincenzo Montella)


It's fitting, given the make-up of this list, that an Italian takes the crown. Montella, like Totti, Toni, Ravanelli and others, first came to our attention on those halcyon Channel 4 afternoons, when Serie A was not so much a football tournament as a magical alternate reality.

Maybe I have my rose-tinted spectacle on, but the Italians always just seemed so much more committed to their celebrations than our lot. Rarely would they forget to do their thing after scoring. They were early brand-builders, but not in the cynical commercial sense: these were players who were simply invested in their own mythologies. A goal was not just a goal but a chance to perform, to pander to the crowd. They were artists, not athletes.

Montella's celebration ? arms spread wide, swooping from side to side ? was the most alluring. While others showed aggression or insouciance, Montella went for playfulness, pretending to float on the wind. The Little Aeroplane, they called it, and the nickname stuck with its creator.

It was the ideal image for the player: lightweight and dynamic, wondrous and fragile. It was the perfect crystallisation of his style and thus the perfect celebration.

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