With her cherubic looks, Lily James has carved quite the career donning a bonnet and being laced tightly into a corset.

Hitting the big-time as Lady Rose MacClare in Downton Abbey (although she won’t be coming back for the film, sadly), she then became the princess of period drama, starring in The Exception, War & Peace and Pride And Prejudice And Zombies.

She met her boyfriend, fellow actor Matt Smith , on the set of the period zombie mash-up, and the pair have been together for almost five years.

And since she played the ultimate princess in 2015’s Cinderella and he is an iconic Doctor Who, it’s fair to say they’re a fairy tale power couple made in heaven.

Lily admits 'my life is so bizarre to me' (
Jonny Birch/BAFTA/REX/Shutterstock)

She’s also chucked herself head-first into the land of musicals, playing a young Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (where she acted alongside Cher, no less), and is carrying on the all-singing, dancing, razzle-dazzle by starring in new film Yesterday, directed by Danny Boyle and written by rom-com legend Richard Curtis .

It’s a story about struggling singer-songwriter Jack Malik (played by Himesh Patel aka Tamwar from EastEnders ) who, after a freak accident, finds himself living in a world where no one can remember The Beatles or any of their hits.

So he does what any self-respecting singer would do ? claims them as his own and makes a lot of money while doing so.

Here Lily talks about fame, the role music plays in her life, and why she’s as excited about the return of Downton Abbey as the rest of us…

Lily James and Matt Smith on a night out together (

Is it harder to go about your business now you’re mega famous?

The most difficult thing is to be away from home a lot.

I had to give away my cat a while ago, even though I was obsessed with her, because I was never home.

I never grieved about giving her away, though, and my boyfriend said I was really cold.

I still see her when I visit.

And sometimes it’s odd to see photos taken of you when you had no idea you were being photographed.

Do you and Matt manage to go out unrecognised?

There is more interest because we are both in the industry, so you have to be more protective.

It’s a weird thing to say, but I feel really proud that there aren’t too many photographs of us online.

We don’t really do many official things together, because it feels like the relationship is just for us.

Lily in 'Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again!'

What do you like to do when you get time together?

Deliveroo for dinner, or something from the local butcher ? but we have to ask them how to cook it.

And if we have avoided getting so excited about having a day off that we drink too much the night before and the next day is a total write-off, we’ll go to a gallery or the cinema.

Our local has sticky carpets and people eating sweets really loudly, but I love it.

What did you first like about Matt?

On the set of Pride And Prejudice And Zombies I couldn’t keep a straight face in any of his scenes because I thought he was so funny.

It was just amazing and he totally improvised.

I think most of my lines were cut whenever he was in a scene because I was just laughing.

With boyfriend Matt Smith on the set of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Do you feel pressure to look a certain way?

I don’t want to look back and think, ‘I wish I’d made more of my life and the people in it’.

I don’t want that to be the cost of being an actor.

It’s not worth it.

I could go home early and sleep and not drink beer and not have a club sandwich when I get in at 2 in the morning.

But that’s not as fun.

Matt and Lily are rarely seen together in their private lives (
Getty Images)

We see you have quite the statement hairstyle in Yesterday…

My driver said I looked like Kevin Keegan !

That cracked me up.

I wanted it to be brown because that is my natural colour, but at the same time we wanted it to be a bit unique.

It couldn’t be starched and you couldn’t blow-dry it out.

It was massive curls and it felt really natural.

I had my long blonde hair underneath, so it was a relief when I took the wig off.

Lily James as Lady Rose in Downton Abbey (
Lily played a younger version of Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (
Dave J Hogan/Getty Images)

We like that you went blonde for Cinderella and kept it that way…

It’s still all bizarre to me that I had that opportunity.

I feel so lucky and Cinderella will always have the most precious place in my heart.

I have actually still got a lot of Cinderella shoes under my bed.

The designers, Louboutin and Jimmy Choo, made custom shoe collections at the time of release and I got to keep a pair of each, so underneath my bed there is so much money’s worth of shoes!

Despite that, is life all very normal?


I still really don’t understand what’s so great about a photo of an actor buying milk, though.

And then my grandmother sees the photos in the newspaper and asks me with a very worried look,‘Why do you always have holes in your jeans?’

Lily starred as Cinderella (
Lily starred in The Exception - set during the onset of WW2

What made you take the plunge into musicals?

I was just about to start Second World War film The Exception, and I felt like I wanted to move out of doing period dramas, or at least try to explore different avenues.

Was a film as big as Mamma Mia! 2 an intimidating place to start?

I was rather untrusting.

I thought, ‘God! It’s Mamma Mia! 2, how are they going to do that?’

Then the audition was right after I’d spent the weekend at Glastonbury and was losing my voice, then on Monday my agent said I’d be recording Mamma Mia!. [Puts on a gravelly voice] ‘No I’m not.’

What was it like working with the mighty Meryl Streep?

Just before I was about to meet her I heard her singing, and I had to tell myself to pull it together.

Honestly, I was about to cry!

But I was impressed by the way she stayed very cool and composed in all situations.

Lily stars alongside Himesh Patel in 'Yesterday'

Did you have similar emotions working with The Beatles music?

Yes, but looking at them from album to album blew my mind.

It’s just insane they wrote that many good songs in that amount of time.

Do you remember the first time you heard their music?

It feels like they’ve always been a part of my life.

Whenever they play you sing along, and you didn’t even know you knew it.

Blackbird is my favourite, it is so beautiful.

I remember being young and everyone trying to learn it on the guitar really badly.

I only know how to play Torn by Natalie Imbruglia!

Lily as Lady Rose in Downton - the role which launched her career (
Carnival Films)

Are you disappointed not to be starring in the Downton Abbey movie?

No, it’s going to be really special and I’m going to be front row.

My character is in New York and they couldn’t bring everyone back.

I can’t wait for more of Mary and Edith together and just the whole family.

They are still my family.

I love them so much and I feel really emotional when I think about it.

- 'Yesterday' is in cinemas now