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Extrema - The Mathematics Genealogy Project

Graph structure

In July 2016, Cosmin Ionita and Pat Quillen of MathWorks used MATLAB to analyze the Math Genealogy Project graph. At the time, the genealogy graph contained 200,037 vertices. There were 7639 (3.8%) isolated vertices and 1962 components of size two (advisor-advisee pairs where we have no information about the advisor). The largest component of the genealogy graph contained 180,094 vertices, accounting for 90% of all vertices in the graph. The main component has 7323 root vertices (individuals with no advisor) and 137,155 leaves (mathematicians with no students), accounting for 76.2% of the vertices in this component. The next largest component sizes were 81, 50, 47, 34, 34, 33, 31, 31, and 30.

For historical comparisonn, we also have data from June 2010, when Professor David Joyner of the United States Naval Academy asked for data from our database to analyze it as a graph. At the time, the genealogy graph had 142,688 vertices. Of these, 7,190 were isolated vertices (5% of the total). The largest component had 121,424 vertices (85% of the total number). The next largest component had 128 vertices. The next largest component sizes were 79, 61, 45, and 42. The most frequent size of a nontrivial component was 2; there were 1937 components of size 2. The component with 121,424 vertices had 4,639 root verticies, i.e., mathematicians for whom the advisor is currently unknown.

Top 25 Advisors

Name Students
C.-C. Jay Kuo 175
Egbert Havinga 143
Pekka Neittaanmaki 130
Roger Meyer Temam 130
Shlomo Noach (Stephen Ram) Sawilowsky 111
Andrew Bernard Whinston 109
Alexander Vasil'evich Mikhalev 101
Ronold Wyeth Percival King 100
Willi Jager 100
Erol Gelenbe 95
Leonard Salomon Ornstein 95
Kurt Mehlhorn 93
Dimitris John Bertsimas 92
Ludwig Prandtl 90
Bart De Moor 89
Yurii Alekseevich Mitropolsky 88
Rudiger W. Dornbusch 85
Wolfgang Karl Hardle 83
Selim Grigorievich Krein 82
Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov 82
Olivier Jean Blanchard 82
David Garvin Moursund 82
Stefan Jahnichen 81
Sergio Albeverio 81
Richard J. Eden 81

Expand to top 75 advisors

Most Descendants

Name Descendants Year of Degree
Abu Sahl 'Isa ibn Yahya al-Masihi 221893
Abu ?Ali al-Husayn (Avicenna) ibn Sina 221892
Bahmany?r ibn al-Marzub?n 221891
Ghiy?th al-D?n Ab? al-Fat? ?Umar ibn Ibr?h?m al-Khayy?m al-N?s?b?r? 221890 1068
Saraf al-D?n Muhammad al-Mas??d? al-Marwaz? 221889
Sharaf al-D?n al-??s? 221887
Fakhr al-D?n Muhammad al-R?z? 221887
Kam?l al-D?n Ibn Y?nus 221886
Qutb al-D?n Ibr?h?m al-M??r? 221886 1222
Ath?r al-D?n al-Mufa??al al-Abhar? 221885 1264
Nasir al-D?n al-??s? 221884
Shams al?D?n al?Bukh?r? 221881
Gregory Chioniadis 221880 1296
Manuel Bryennios 221879 1300
Theodore Metochites 221878 1315
Gregory Palamas 221875 1316
Nilos Kabasilas 221874 1363
Demetrios Kydones 221873
Elissaeus Judaeus 221848
Georgios Plethon Gemistos 221847 1380, 1393
Basilios Bessarion 221844 1436
Giovanni Conversini 221835 1363
Manuel Chrysoloras 221835
Gasparino da Barzizza 221834
Guarino da Verona 221834 1408


The Mathematics Genealogy Project graph is nonplanar. Thanks to Professor Ezra Brown of Virginia Tech for assisting in finding the subdivision of K 3,3 depicted below. The green vertices form one color class and the yellow ones form the other. Interestingly, Gauß is the only vertex that needs to be connected by paths with more than one edge.

K_{3,3} in the Genealogy graph

Frequency Counts

The table below indicates the values of number of students for mathematicians in our database along with the number of mathematicians having that many students.

Number of Students Frequency
0 233483
1 31944
2 11695
3 6688
4 4639
5 3508
6 2644
7 2163
8 1770
9 1479
10 1184
11 1002
12 897
13 755
14 639
15 554
16 506
17 407
18 352
19 323
20 297
22 246
21 232
23 224
24 175
25 171
26 144
27 128
28 120
29 100
30 89
31 79
34 65
32 63
33 57
36 57
35 52
37 42
38 34
39 34
42 32
43 28
40 26
41 26
45 26
46 21
52 21
44 19
54 18
49 16
51 15
53 15
47 13
50 13
48 12
57 12
55 10
68 10
56 9
60 9
58 8
61 8
63 8
64 6
72 6
59 5
69 5
65 4
70 4
73 4
82 4
62 3
71 3
74 3
75 3
78 3
81 3
66 2
76 2
77 2
95 2
100 2
130 2
67 1
79 1
80 1
83 1
85 1
88 1
89 1
90 1
92 1
93 1
101 1
109 1
111 1
143 1
175 1